
class GamepadButton

This class is just used as a convenient namespace for grouping all of these handy functions that return buttons which map to gamepad buttons.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of GamepadButton

GamepadButton(void) = default
GamepadButton(GamepadButton const&) = default
static ButtonHandle back(void)
static ButtonHandle dpad_down(void)
static ButtonHandle dpad_left(void)
static ButtonHandle dpad_right(void)
static ButtonHandle dpad_up(void)
static ButtonHandle face_1(void)
static ButtonHandle face_2(void)
static ButtonHandle face_a(void)
static ButtonHandle face_b(void)
static ButtonHandle face_c(void)
static ButtonHandle face_x(void)
static ButtonHandle face_y(void)
static ButtonHandle face_z(void)
static ButtonHandle guide(void)
static ButtonHandle hat_down(void)
static ButtonHandle hat_left(void)
static ButtonHandle hat_right(void)
static ButtonHandle hat_up(void)
static ButtonHandle joystick(int button_number)

Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the particular numbered joystick button (zero-based), if there is one, or ButtonHandle::none() if there is not.

static ButtonHandle lgrip(void)
static ButtonHandle lshoulder(void)
static ButtonHandle lstick(void)
static ButtonHandle ltrigger(void)
static ButtonHandle next(void)
static ButtonHandle previous(void)
static ButtonHandle rgrip(void)
static ButtonHandle rshoulder(void)
static ButtonHandle rstick(void)
static ButtonHandle rtrigger(void)
static ButtonHandle start(void)
static ButtonHandle trigger(void)

Flight stick buttons, takes zero-based index. First is always trigger.