Playing MPG and AVI files
Panda now supports AVI format for textures in Panda.
myMovieTexture = loader.loadTexture("myMovie.avi")
The movie subsystem is implemented using FFMPEG. Therefore, it supports all of the formats that FFMPEG supports. The functions to control the movie are as follows:
If you want to hear the movie’s audio as well, you need to load it twice: once as a texture, and once as a sound file:
mySound = loader.loadSfx("myMovie.avi")
Then, you can synchronize the video to the audio:
From that point forward, playing the audio will cause the texture to update. This is more accurate than synchronizing the video manually.
For powers-of-two limited graphics hardware
If your graphics hardware does not support non power-of-two textures, your movie texture size would be shifted up to the next larger power of two size. For example, if you have a movie of 640 x 360 in size, the generated texture would be actually 1024 x 512. The result is a texture that contains a movie in the lower-left corner, and a black pad region to the right and upper portion of the texture.
To work around this limit, you have to display just the lower-left portion of the texture. To see a complete demonstration of this process, see the Media Player sample program.
The video texture works by decoding on a frame by frame basis and copying into the texture buffer. As such, it is inadvisable to use more than a few high res video textures at the same time.
Certain encoding formats do not work. So far, DV format has been determined incompatible with Panda.