class PointLight
A light originating from a single point in space, and shining in all directions.
Inheritance diagram
explicit PointLight(std::string const &name)
Do not call the copy constructor directly; instead, use
to make a copy of a node.
void clear_specular_color(void)
Clears a custom specular color setting, meaning that the specular color will now come from the color.
static TypeHandle get_class_type(void)
PN_stdfloat get_max_distance(void) const
Returns the maximum distance at which the light has any effect, as previously specified by
LPoint3 const &get_point(void) const
Returns the point in space at which the light is located. This is local to the coordinate space in which the light is assigned, and is usually 0.
void set_attenuation(LVecBase3 const &attenuation)
Sets the terms of the attenuation equation for the light. These are, in order, the constant, linear, and quadratic terms based on the distance from the point to the vertex.
void set_max_distance(PN_stdfloat max_distance)
Sets the radius of the light’s sphere of influence. Beyond this distance, the light may be attenuated to zero, if this is supported by the shader.
explicit PointLight(std::string const &name)