
class TextProperties

This defines the set of visual properties that may be assigned to the individual characters of the text. (Properties which affect the overall block of text can only be specified on the TextNode directly).

Typically, there is just one set of properties on a given block of text, which is set directly on the TextNode (TextNode inherits from TextProperties). That makes all of the text within a particular block have the same appearance.

This separate class exists in order to implement multiple different kinds of text appearing within one block. The text string itself may reference a TextProperties structure by name using the 1 and 2 tokens embedded within the string; each nested TextProperties structure modifies the appearance of subsequent text within the block.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of TextProperties

enum Alignment
enumerator A_left = 0
enumerator A_right = 1
enumerator A_center = 2
enumerator A_boxed_left = 3
enumerator A_boxed_right = 4
enumerator A_boxed_center = 5
enum Direction
enumerator D_ltr = 0
enumerator D_rtl = 1
TextProperties(TextProperties const &copy)
void add_properties(TextProperties const &other)

Sets any properties that are explicitly specified in other on this object. Leaves other properties unchanged.

void clear(void)

Unsets all properties that have been specified so far, and resets the TextProperties structure to its initial empty state.

void clear_align(void)

Restores the default alignment of the text.

void clear_bin(void)

Removes the effect of a previous call to set_bin(). Text will be drawn in whatever bin it would like to be drawn in, with no explicit ordering.

void clear_direction(void)

Clears the text direction setting. If no text direction is specified, it will be guessed based on the contents of the string.

New in version 1.10.0.

void clear_draw_order(void)
void clear_font(void)

Restores the default font to the text.

void clear_glyph_scale(void)
void clear_glyph_shift(void)
void clear_indent(void)

Removes the indent setting from the text. Text will be as wide as it is.

void clear_preserve_trailing_whitespace(void)
void clear_shadow(void)

Specifies that a shadow will not be drawn behind the text.

void clear_shadow_color(void)

Removes the shadow color specification.

void clear_slant(void)
void clear_small_caps(void)
void clear_small_caps_scale(void)
void clear_tab_width(void)
void clear_text_color(void)

Removes the text color specification; the text will be colored whatever it was in the source font file.

void clear_text_scale(void)
void clear_underscore(void)
void clear_underscore_height(void)
void clear_wordwrap(void)

Removes the wordwrap setting from the text. Text will be as wide as it is.

Alignment get_align(void) const
std::string const &get_bin(void) const

Returns the drawing bin set with set_bin(), or empty string if no bin has been set.

static TypeHandle get_class_type(void)
TextFont *get_default_font(void)

Specifies the default font to be used for any TextNode whose font is uninitialized or NULL. See set_font().

Direction get_direction(void) const

Returns the direction of the text as specified by set_direction().

New in version 1.10.0.

int get_draw_order(void) const

Returns the drawing order set with set_draw_order().

TextFont *get_font(void) const

Returns the font currently in use, if any. If no font is in use, this returns the default font.

PN_stdfloat get_glyph_scale(void) const

Returns the scale factor of each letter as specified by set_glyph_scale().

PN_stdfloat get_glyph_shift(void) const

Returns the vertical shift of each letter as specified by set_glyph_shift().

PN_stdfloat get_indent(void) const
bool get_preserve_trailing_whitespace(void) const

Returns the preserve_trailing_whitespace flag. See set_preserve_trailing_whitespace().

LVector2 get_shadow(void) const

Returns the offset of the shadow as set by set_shadow(). It is an error to call this if has_shadow() is false.

LColor get_shadow_color(void) const
PN_stdfloat get_slant(void) const

Returns the factor by which the text is specified to slant to the right.

bool get_small_caps(void) const

Returns the small_caps flag. See set_small_caps().

PN_stdfloat get_small_caps_scale(void) const

Returns the scale factor applied to lowercase letters from their uppercase equivalents, when the small_caps flag is in effect. See set_small_caps() and set_small_caps_scale().

PN_stdfloat get_tab_width(void) const

Returns the width set via set_tab_width().

LColor get_text_color(void) const
PN_stdfloat get_text_scale(void) const

Returns the scale factor of the text as specified by set_text_scale().

bool get_underscore(void) const

Returns the underscore flag. See set_underscore().

PN_stdfloat get_underscore_height(void) const

Returns the vertical height of the underscore; see set_underscore_height().

PN_stdfloat get_wordwrap(void) const
bool has_align(void) const
bool has_bin(void) const

Returns true if an explicit drawing bin has been set via set_bin(), false otherwise.

bool has_direction(void) const

New in version 1.10.0.

bool has_draw_order(void) const
bool has_font(void) const
bool has_glyph_scale(void) const
bool has_glyph_shift(void) const
bool has_indent(void) const
bool has_preserve_trailing_whitespace(void) const
bool has_shadow(void) const
bool has_shadow_color(void) const
bool has_slant(void) const
bool has_small_caps(void) const
bool has_small_caps_scale(void) const
bool has_tab_width(void) const
bool has_text_color(void) const

Returns true if a text color was specified with set_text_color().

bool has_text_scale(void) const
bool has_underscore(void) const
bool has_underscore_height(void) const
bool has_wordwrap(void) const
bool is_any_specified(void) const

Returns true if any properties have been specified, false otherwise.

void set_align(TextProperties::Alignment align_type)

Specifies the alignment of the text within its margins.

void set_bin(std::string const &bin)

Names the CullBin that the text geometry should be assigned to. If this is set, then a CullBinAttrib will be created to explicitly place each component in the named bin.

The draw_order value will also be passed to each CullBinAttrib as appropriate; this is particularly useful if this names a CullBinFixed, e.g. “fixed”.

void set_default_font(TextFont*)

Specifies the default font to be used for any TextNode whose font is uninitialized or NULL. See set_font().

void set_direction(TextProperties::Direction direction)

Specifies the text direction. If none is specified, it will be guessed based on the contents of the string.

New in version 1.10.0.

int set_draw_order(int draw_order)

Sets the drawing order of text created by the TextNode. This is actually the draw order of the card and frame. The shadow is drawn at _draw_order+1, and the text at _draw_order+2.

This affects the sorting order assigned to the nodes as they are created, and also is passed to whatever bin may be assigned via set_bin().

The return value is the first unused draw_order number, e.g. _draw_order + 3.

void set_font(TextFont *font)

Sets the font that will be used when making text. If this is set to NULL, the default font will be used, which can be set via set_default_font().

void set_glyph_scale(PN_stdfloat glyph_scale)

Specifies the factor by which to scale each letter of the text as it is placed, in addition to any scales inherited from the node or from set_text_scale(). This can be used (possibly in conjunction with set_glyph_shift()) to implement superscripting or subscripting.

The glyph scale is cumulative when applied to nested TextProperties. It is intended primarily for implementing superscripts, not for scaling the text in general. See also set_text_scale(), which is intended primarily for scaling the text in general, and is not cumulative.

void set_glyph_shift(PN_stdfloat glyph_shift)

Specifies a vertical amount to shift each letter of the text as it is placed. This can be used (possibly in conjunction with set_glyph_scale()) to implement superscripting or subscripting.

void set_indent(PN_stdfloat indent)

Specifies the amount of extra space that is inserted before the first character of each line. This can be thought of as a left margin.

void set_preserve_trailing_whitespace(bool preserve_trailing_whitespace)

Sets the preserve_trailing_whitespace flag. When this is set, trailing whitespace at the end of the line is not stripped when the text is wordwrapped (it is stripped by default). Since the trailing whitespace is invisible, this is important primarily for determining the proper width of a frame or card behind the text.

void set_shadow(PN_stdfloat xoffset, PN_stdfloat yoffset)
void set_shadow(LVecBase2 const &shadow_offset)

Specifies that the text should be drawn with a shadow, by creating a second copy of the text and offsetting it slightly behind the first.

void set_shadow_color(PN_stdfloat r, PN_stdfloat g, PN_stdfloat b, PN_stdfloat a)
void set_shadow_color(LColor const &shadow_color)
void set_slant(PN_stdfloat slant)

Specifies the factor by which the text slants to the right.

void set_small_caps(bool small_caps)

Sets the small_caps flag. When this is set, lowercase letters are generated as scaled-down versions of their uppercase equivalents. This is particularly useful to set for fonts that do not have lowercase letters.

It is also a good idea to set this for a (dynamic) font that has already implemented lowercase letters as scaled-down versions of their uppercase equivalents, since without this flag the texture memory may needlessly duplicate equivalent glyphs for upper and lowercase letters. Setting this flag causes the texture memory to share the mixed-case letters.

The amount by which the lowercase letters are scaled is specified by set_small_caps_scale().

void set_small_caps_scale(PN_stdfloat small_caps_scale)

Sets the scale factor applied to lowercase letters from their uppercase equivalents, when the small_caps flag is in effect. See set_small_caps(). Normally, this will be a number less than one.

void set_tab_width(PN_stdfloat tab_width)

Sets the width of each tab stop, in screen units. A tab character embedded in the text will advance the horizontal position to the next tab stop.

void set_text_color(PN_stdfloat r, PN_stdfloat g, PN_stdfloat b, PN_stdfloat a)
void set_text_color(LColor const &text_color)

Sets the color of the text. Note that this will modulate the color of all components of the text, including the shadow and outline. If you wish to only set the foreground color, see DynamicTextFont::set_fg().

void set_text_scale(PN_stdfloat text_scale)

Specifies the factor by which to scale the text, in addition to any scalings imposed by the node, as well as in addition to the glyph scale.

The text scale is not cumulative when applied to nested TextProperties. See also set_glyph_scale(), which is cumulative.

void set_underscore(bool underscore)

Sets the underscore flag. When this is set, the text is underscored with a one-pixel line the same color as the text foreground, drawn at the baseline.

void set_underscore_height(PN_stdfloat underscore_height)

Specifies the vertical height of the underscore, relative to the text baseline. This only has meaning if the underscore mode is enabled with set_underscore().

void set_wordwrap(PN_stdfloat wordwrap)

Sets the text up to automatically wordwrap when it exceeds the indicated width. This can be thought of as a right margin or margin width.

void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const