
class OccluderEffect

Bases: RenderEffect

This functions similarly to a LightAttrib or ClipPlaneAttrib. It indicates the set of occluders that modify the geometry at this level and below. Unlike a ClipPlaneAttrib, an OccluderEffect takes effect immediately when it is encountered during traversal, and thus can only add occluders; it may not remove them.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of OccluderEffect

ConstPointerTo<RenderEffect> add_on_occluder(NodePath const &occluder) const

Returns a new OccluderEffect, just like this one, but with the indicated occluder added to the list of occluders enabled by this effect.

static TypeHandle get_class_type(void)
int get_num_on_occluders(void) const

Returns the number of occluders that are enabled by the effectute.

NodePath get_on_occluder(int n) const

Returns the nth occluder enabled by the effectute, sorted in render order.

bool has_on_occluder(NodePath const &occluder) const

Returns true if the indicated occluder is enabled by the effect, false otherwise.

bool is_identity(void) const

Returns true if this is an identity effect: it does not change the set of occluders in use.

static ConstPointerTo<RenderEffect> make(void)

Constructs a new OccluderEffect object that does nothing.

ConstPointerTo<RenderEffect> remove_on_occluder(NodePath const &occluder) const

Returns a new OccluderEffect, just like this one, but with the indicated occluder removed from the list of occluders enabled by this effect.