
class InternalName

Bases: TypedWritableReferenceCount

Encodes a string name in a hash table, mapping it to a pointer. This is used to tokenify names so they may be used efficiently in low-level Panda structures, for instance to differentiate the multiple sets of texture coordinates that might be stored on a Geom.

InternalNames are hierarchical, with the ‘.’ used by convention as a separator character. You can construct a single InternalName as a composition of one or more other names, or by giving it a source string directly.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of InternalName

PointerTo<InternalName> append(std::string const &basename)

Constructs a new InternalName based on this name, with the indicated string following it. This is a cheaper way to construct a hierarchical name than InternalName::make(parent->get_name() + “.basename”).

int find_ancestor(std::string const &basename) const

Returns the index of the ancestor with the indicated basename, or -1 if no ancestor has that basename. Returns 0 if this name has the basename.

This index value may be passed to get_ancestor() or get_net_basename() to retrieve more information about the indicated name.

InternalName const *get_ancestor(int n) const

Returns the ancestor with the indicated index number. 0 is this name itself, 1 is the name’s parent, 2 is the parent’s parent, and so on. If there are not enough ancestors, returns the root InternalName.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_aspect_ratio(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “aspect_ratio”. This is the column header for the floating-point aspect ratio value, which is used to define non- square points. This number is the ratio x / y, where y is the point size (above).

std::string const &get_basename(void) const

Return the name represented by just this particular InternalName object, ignoring its parents names. This is everything after the rightmost dot.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_binormal(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “binormal”. This is the column header for the tangent vector associated with each vertex, which is a unit vector usually perpendicular to both the normal and the tangent, and in the direction of the V texture coordinate change. It is used for deriving bump maps.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_binormal_name(std::string const &name)

Returns the InternalName “”, where name is the supplied string. This is the column header for the binormal associated with the named texture coordinate set.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_camera(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “camera”. This is used as a keyword in the shader subsystem.

static TypeHandle get_class_type(void)
PointerTo<InternalName> get_color(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “color”. This is the column header for the 4-component color value for each vertex.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_error(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “error”.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_index(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “index”. This is the column header for the integer vertex index. It is not used in the vertex data itself, but is used in the GeomPrimitive structure to index into the vertex data.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_model(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “model”. This is used as a keyword in the shader subsystem.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_morph(InternalName *column, std::string const &slider)

Returns an InternalName derived from the given base column name and the given slider name, which is the column header for the offset vector that should be applied to the base column name when the named morph slider is engaged.

Each morph slider requires a set of n morph columns, one for each base column it applies to.

std::string get_name(void) const

Returns the complete name represented by the InternalName and all of its parents.

std::string get_net_basename(int n) const

Returns the basename of this name prefixed by the indicated number of ancestors. 0 is this name’s basename, 1 is parent.basename, 2 is grandparent.parent.basename, and so on.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_normal(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “normal”. This is the column header for the 3-d lighting normal for each vertex.

InternalName *get_parent(void) const

Return the parent of this InternalName. All names have a parent, except the root name.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_root(void)

Some predefined built-in names.

Returns the standard root InternalName. This is the root of all other InternalNames. It has no name itself, and it is the only InternalName with no parent.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_rotate(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “rotate”. This is the column header for the floating-point rotate value, which represents a number of degrees counter-clockwise to rotate each point or point sprite.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_size(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “size”. This is the column header for the floating-point size value, which overrides the thickness parameter of the RenderModeAttrib on a per-vertex (e.g. per-point) basis.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_tangent(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “tangent”. This is the column header for the tangent vector associated with each vertex, which is a unit vector usually perpendicular to the normal and in the direction of the U texture coordinate change. It is used for deriving bump maps.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_tangent_name(std::string const &name)

Returns the InternalName “”, where name is the supplied string. This is the column header for the tangent associated with the named texture coordinate set.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_texcoord(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “texcoord”. This is the column header for the default texture coordinate set for each vertex. It is also used for identifying the default texture coordinate set in a TextureStage.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_texcoord_name(std::string const &name)

Returns the InternalName “”, where name is the supplied string. This is the column header for the named texture coordinate set for each vertex. It is also used for identifying the named texture coordinate set in a TextureStage.

InternalName const *get_top(void) const

Returns the oldest ancestor in the InternalName’s chain, not counting the root. This will be the first name in the string, e.g. “” will return the InternalName “texcoord”.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_transform_blend(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “transform_blend”. This is the column header for the integer transform_blend index, which is used to define vertex animation on the CPU by indexing to a particular vertex weighting from the TransformBlendTable.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_transform_index(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “transform_index”. This is the column header for the n-component transform_index value, which is used in conjuntion with “transform_weight” to define vertex animation on the graphics card. The transform_index value specifies the nth transform, by lookup in the TransformTable. The transform_index column may be omitted, in which case the nth transform is the nth entry in the table.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_transform_weight(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “transform_weight”. This is the column header for the n-component transform_weight value, which is used in conjuntion with “transform_index” to define vertex animation on the graphics card. The transform_weight value specifies the weight of the nth transform. By convention, there are 1 fewer weight values than transforms, since the weights are assumed to sum to 1 (and the last value is therefore implicit).

PointerTo<InternalName> get_vertex(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “vertex”. This is the column header for the 3-d or 4-d vertex position information for each vertex.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_view(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “view”. This is used as a keyword in the shader subsystem.

PointerTo<InternalName> get_world(void)

Returns the standard InternalName “world”. This is used as a keyword in the shader subsystem.

std::string join(std::string const &sep) const

Like get_name, but uses a custom separator instead of “.”.

static PointerTo<InternalName> make(std::string const &name, int index)
static PointerTo<InternalName> make(PyObject *str)

These versions are exposed to Python, which have additional logic to map from Python interned strings.

The public interface for constructing an InternalName pointer. This will return a new InternalName representing the indicated name, if this is the first time the particular name has been requested; if the name is already in use, it will return the existing pointer.

If the string contains the ‘.’ character, the string will be divided at the dots and the so-defined hierarchy of names will be registered. This is handled transparently.

Make using a string and an integer. Concatenates the two.

void output(std::ostream &out) const