
class BoundingHexahedron

Bases: FiniteBoundingVolume

This defines a bounding convex hexahedron. It is typically used to represent a frustum, but may represent any enclosing convex hexahedron, including simple boxes. However, if all you want is an axis-aligned bounding box, you may be better off with the simpler BoundingBox class.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of BoundingHexahedron

BoundingHexahedron(LFrustum const &frustum, bool is_ortho, CoordinateSystem cs = ::CS_default)
BoundingHexahedron(LPoint3 const &fll, LPoint3 const &flr, LPoint3 const &fur, LPoint3 const &ful, LPoint3 const &nll, LPoint3 const &nlr, LPoint3 const &nur, LPoint3 const &nul)
static TypeHandle get_class_type(void)
int get_num_planes(void) const

Returns 6: the number of faces of a hexahedron.

int get_num_points(void) const

Returns 8: the number of vertices of a hexahedron.

LPlane get_plane(int n) const

Returns the nth face of the hexahedron.

LPoint3 get_point(int n) const

Returns the nth vertex of the hexahedron.