Source code for direct.tkwidgets.AppShell

AppShell provides a GUI application framework.
This is an adaption of found in Python and Tkinter Programming
by John E. Grayson which is a streamlined adaptation of, originally
created by Doug Hellmann (

__all__ = ['AppShell']

from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import *
import Pmw, sys
from . import Dial
from . import Floater
from . import Slider
from . import EntryScale
from . import VectorWidgets
from . import ProgressBar

if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
    from tkinter.filedialog import *
    from tkFileDialog import *

Radiobutton ordering change

# Create toplevel widget dictionary
except KeyError:
    __builtins__["widgetDict"] = {}
# Create toplevel variable dictionary
except KeyError:
    __builtins__["variableDict"] = {}

[docs]def resetWidgetDict(): __builtins__["widgetDict"] = {}
[docs]def resetVariableDict(): __builtins__["variableDict"] = {}
# Inherit from MegaWidget instead of Toplevel so you can pass in a toplevel # to use as a container if you wish. If no toplevel passed in, create one
[docs]class AppShell(Pmw.MegaWidget, DirectObject): appversion = '1.0' appname = 'Generic Application Frame' copyright = ('Copyright 2004 Walt Disney Imagineering.' + ' All Rights Reserved') contactname = 'Mark R. Mine' contactphone = '(818) 544-2921' contactemail = '' frameWidth = 450 frameHeight = 320 padx = 5 pady = 5 usecommandarea = 0 usestatusarea = 0 balloonState = 'none' panelCount = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): optiondefs = ( ('title', self.appname, None), ('padx', 1, Pmw.INITOPT), ('pady', 1, Pmw.INITOPT), ('framewidth', self.frameWidth, Pmw.INITOPT), ('frameheight', self.frameHeight, Pmw.INITOPT), ('usecommandarea', self.usecommandarea, Pmw.INITOPT), ('usestatusarea', self.usestatusarea, Pmw.INITOPT), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # If no toplevel passed in, create one if parent == None: self.parent = Toplevel() else: self.parent = parent # Initialize the base class Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, self.parent) # Set window size self.parent.geometry('%dx%d' % (self.frameWidth, self.frameHeight)) self.parent.title(self['title']) # Create unique id AppShell.panelCount += 1 = self.appname + '-' + repr(AppShell.panelCount) # Create a dictionary in the widgetDict to hold this panel's widgets self.widgetDict = widgetDict[] = {} # And one to hold this panel's variables self.variableDict = variableDict[] = {} # Get handle to the toplevels hull self._hull = self.component('hull') # Initialize the application self.appInit() # create the interface self.__createInterface() # Set focus to ourselves self.focus_set() # initialize our options self.initialiseoptions(AppShell) self.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = 1)
def __createInterface(self): self.__createBalloon() self.__createMenuBar() self.__createDataArea() self.__createCommandArea() self.__createMessageBar() self.__createAboutBox() # Add binding for panel cleanup code self.interior().bind('<Destroy>', self.onDestroy) # # Create the parts of the interface # which can be modified by subclasses # self.createMenuBar() self.createInterface() def __createBalloon(self): # Create the balloon help manager for the frame. # Create the manager for the balloon help self.__balloon = self.createcomponent('balloon', (), None, Pmw.Balloon, (self._hull,)) self.__balloon.configure(state = self.balloonState) def __createMenuBar(self): self.menuFrame = Frame(self._hull) self.menuBar = self.createcomponent('menubar', (), None, Pmw.MenuBar, (self.menuFrame,), hull_relief=FLAT, hull_borderwidth=0, balloon=self.balloon()) self.menuBar.addmenu('Help', 'About %s' % self.appname, side = 'right') self.menuBar.addmenu('File', 'File commands and Quit') self.menuBar.pack(fill=X, side = LEFT) # Force some space between pull down menus and other widgets spacer = Label(self.menuFrame, text = ' ') spacer.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 0) self.menuFrame.pack(fill = X) def __createDataArea(self): # Create data area where data entry widgets are placed. self.dataArea = self.createcomponent('dataarea', (), None, Frame, (self._hull,), relief=GROOVE, bd=1) self.dataArea.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES, padx=self['padx'], pady=self['pady']) def __createCommandArea(self): # Create a command area for application-wide buttons. self.__commandFrame = self.createcomponent('commandframe', (), None, Frame, (self._hull,), relief=SUNKEN, bd=1) self.__buttonBox = self.createcomponent('buttonbox', (), None, Pmw.ButtonBox, (self.__commandFrame,), padx=0, pady=0) self.__buttonBox.pack(side=TOP, expand=NO, fill=X) if self['usecommandarea']: self.__commandFrame.pack(side=TOP, expand=NO, fill=X, padx=self['padx'], pady=self['pady']) def __createMessageBar(self): # Create the message bar area for help and status messages. frame = self.createcomponent('bottomtray', (), None, Frame, (self._hull,), relief=SUNKEN) self.__messageBar = self.createcomponent('messagebar', (), None, Pmw.MessageBar, (frame,), #entry_width = 40, entry_relief=SUNKEN, entry_bd=1, labelpos=None) self.__messageBar.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=X) self.__progressBar = ProgressBar.ProgressBar( frame, fillColor='slateblue', doLabel=1, width=150) self.__progressBar.frame.pack(side=LEFT, expand=NO, fill=NONE) self.updateProgress(0) if self['usestatusarea']: frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=NO, fill=X) self.__balloon.configure(statuscommand = \ self.__messageBar.helpmessage) def __createAboutBox(self): Pmw.aboutversion(self.appversion) Pmw.aboutcopyright(self.copyright) Pmw.aboutcontact( 'For more information, contact:\n %s\n Phone: %s\n Email: %s' %\ (self.contactname, self.contactphone, self.contactemail)) self.about = Pmw.AboutDialog(self._hull, applicationname=self.appname) self.about.withdraw()
[docs] def toggleBalloon(self): if self.toggleBalloonVar.get(): self.__balloon.configure(state = 'both') else: self.__balloon.configure(state = 'status')
[docs] def showAbout(self): # Create the dialog to display about and contact information. self.about.focus_set()
[docs] def quit(self): self.parent.destroy()
### USER METHODS ### # To be overridden
[docs] def appInit(self): # Called before interface is created (should be overridden). pass
[docs] def createInterface(self): # Override this method to create the interface for the app. pass
[docs] def onDestroy(self, event): # Override this method with actions to be performed on panel shutdown pass
[docs] def createMenuBar(self): # Creates default menus. Can be overridden or simply augmented # Using button Add below self.menuBar.addmenuitem('Help', 'command', 'Get information on application', label='About...', command=self.showAbout) self.toggleBalloonVar = IntVar() if self.balloonState == 'none': self.toggleBalloonVar.set(0) else: self.toggleBalloonVar.set(1) self.menuBar.addmenuitem('Help', 'checkbutton', 'Toggle balloon help', label='Balloon help', variable = self.toggleBalloonVar, command=self.toggleBalloon) self.menuBar.addmenuitem('File', 'command', 'Quit this application', label='Quit', command=self.quit)
# Getters
[docs] def interior(self): # Retrieve the interior site where widgets should go. return self.dataArea
[docs] def balloon(self): # Retrieve the panel's balloon widget return self.__balloon
[docs] def buttonBox(self): # Retrieve the button box. return self.__buttonBox
[docs] def messageBar(self): # Retieve the message bar return self.__messageBar
# Utility functions
[docs] def buttonAdd(self, buttonName, helpMessage=None, statusMessage=None, **kw): # Add a button to the button box. newBtn = self.__buttonBox.add(buttonName) newBtn.configure(kw) if helpMessage: self.bind(newBtn, helpMessage, statusMessage) return newBtn
[docs] def alignbuttons(self): """ Make all buttons wide as widest """ self.__buttonBox.alignbuttons()
[docs] def bind(self, child, balloonHelpMsg, statusHelpMsg=None): # Bind a help message and/or status message to a widget. self.__balloon.bind(child, balloonHelpMsg, statusHelpMsg)
[docs] def updateProgress(self, newValue=0, newMax=0): # Used to update progress bar self.__progressBar.updateProgress(newValue, newMax)
[docs] def addWidget(self, category, text, widget): self.widgetDict[category + '-' + text] = widget
[docs] def getWidget(self, category, text): return self.widgetDict.get(category + '-' + text, None)
[docs] def addVariable(self, category, text, variable): self.variableDict[category + '-' + text] = variable
[docs] def getVariable(self, category, text): return self.variableDict.get(category + '-' + text, None)
[docs] def createWidget(self, parent, category, text, widgetClass, help, command, side, fill, expand, kw): # Update kw to reflect user inputs kw['text'] = text # Create widget widget = widgetClass(parent, **kw) # Do this after so command isn't called on widget creation widget['command'] = command # Pack widget widget.pack(side = side, fill = fill, expand = expand) # Bind help self.bind(widget, help) # Record widget self.addWidget(category, text, widget) return widget
[docs] def newCreateLabeledEntry(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, value = '', width = 12, relief = SUNKEN, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0): """ createLabeledEntry(parent, category, text, [options]) """ # Create labeled entry frame = Frame(parent) variable = StringVar() variable.set(value) label = Label(frame, text = text) label.pack(side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0) entry = Entry(frame, width = width, relief = relief, textvariable = variable) entry.pack(side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 1) frame.pack(side = side, fill = X, expand = expand) if command: entry.bind('<Return>', command) # Add balloon help self.bind(label, help) self.bind(entry, help) # Record widgets and variable self.addWidget(category, text, entry) self.addWidget(category, text + '-Label', label) self.addVariable(category, text, variable) return entry
[docs] def newCreateButton(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): """ createButton(parent, category, text, [options]) """ # Create the widget widget = self.createWidget(parent, category, text, Button, help, command, side, fill, expand, kw) return widget
[docs] def newCreateCheckbutton(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, initialState = 0, anchor = W, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): """ createCheckbutton(parent, category, text, [options]) """ # Create the widget widget = self.createWidget(parent, category, text, Checkbutton, help, command, side, fill, expand, kw) # Perform extra customization widget['anchor'] = anchor variable = BooleanVar() variable.set(initialState) self.addVariable(category, text, variable) widget['variable'] = variable return widget
[docs] def newCreateRadiobutton(self, parent, category, text, variable, value, command = None, help = '', anchor = W, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): """ createRadiobutton(parent, category, text, variable, value, [options]) """ # Create the widget widget = self.createWidget(parent, category, text, Radiobutton, help, command, side, fill, expand, kw) # Perform extra customization widget['anchor'] = anchor widget['value'] = value widget['variable'] = variable return widget
[docs] def newCreateFloater(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): # Create the widget widget = self.createWidget(parent, category, text, Floater.Floater, help, command, side, fill, expand, kw) return widget
[docs] def newCreateDial(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): # Create the widget widget = self.createWidget(parent, category, text, Dial.Dial, help, command, side, fill, expand, kw) return widget
[docs] def newCreateSider(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): # Create the widget widget = self.createWidget(parent, category, text, Slider.Slider, help, command, side, fill, expand, kw) return widget
[docs] def newCreateEntryScale(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): # Create the widget widget = self.createWidget(parent, category, text, EntryScale.EntryScale, help, command, side, fill, expand, kw) return widget
[docs] def newCreateVector2Entry(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): # Create the widget widget = self.createWidget(parent, category, text, VectorWidgets.Vector2Entry, help, command, side, fill, expand, kw)
[docs] def newCreateVector3Entry(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): # Create the widget widget = self.createWidget(parent, category, text, VectorWidgets.Vector3Entry, help, command, side, fill, expand, kw) return widget
[docs] def newCreateColorEntry(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): # Create the widget widget = self.createWidget(parent, category, text, VectorWidgets.ColorEntry, help, command, side, fill, expand, kw) return widget
[docs] def newCreateOptionMenu(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, items = [], labelpos = W, label_anchor = W, label_width = 16, menu_tearoff = 1, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): # Create variable variable = StringVar() if len(items) > 0: variable.set(items[0]) # Update kw to reflect user inputs kw['items'] = items kw['label_text'] = text kw['labelpos'] = labelpos kw['label_anchor'] = label_anchor kw['label_width'] = label_width kw['menu_tearoff'] = menu_tearoff kw['menubutton_textvariable'] = variable # Create widget widget = Pmw.OptionMenu(parent, **kw) # Do this after so command isn't called on widget creation widget['command'] = command # Pack widget widget.pack(side = side, fill = fill, expand = expand) # Bind help self.bind(widget.component('menubutton'), help) # Record widget and variable self.addWidget(category, text, widget) self.addVariable(category, text, variable) return widget
[docs] def newCreateComboBox(self, parent, category, text, help = '', command = None, items = [], state = DISABLED, history = 0, labelpos = W, label_anchor = W, label_width = 16, entry_width = 16, side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 0, **kw): # Update kw to reflect user inputs kw['label_text'] = text kw['labelpos'] = labelpos kw['label_anchor'] = label_anchor kw['label_width'] = label_width kw['entry_width'] = entry_width kw['scrolledlist_items'] = items kw['entryfield_entry_state'] = state # Create widget widget = Pmw.ComboBox(parent, **kw) # Bind selection command widget['selectioncommand'] = command # Select first item if it exists if len(items) > 0: widget.selectitem(items[0]) # Pack widget widget.pack(side = side, fill = fill, expand = expand) # Bind help self.bind(widget, help) # Record widget self.addWidget(category, text, widget) return widget
[docs] def transformRGB(self, rgb, max = 1.0): retval = '#' for v in [rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]]: v = (v/max)*255 if v > 255: v = 255 if v < 0: v = 0 retval = "%s%02x" % (retval, int(v)) return retval
[docs]class TestAppShell(AppShell): # Override class variables here appname = 'Test Application Shell' usecommandarea = 1 usestatusarea = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Call superclass initialization function AppShell.__init__(self) self.initialiseoptions(TestAppShell)
[docs] def createButtons(self): self.buttonAdd('Ok', helpMessage='Exit', statusMessage='Exit', command=self.quit)
[docs] def createMain(self): self.label = self.createcomponent('label', (), None, Label, (self.interior(),), text='Data Area') self.label.pack() self.bind(self.label, 'Space taker')
[docs] def createInterface(self): self.createButtons() self.createMain()
if __name__ == '__main__': test = TestAppShell(balloon_state='none')