"""Contains utility classes for debugging memory leaks."""
__all__ = ['FakeObject', '_createGarbage', 'GarbageReport', 'GarbageLogger']
from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import fastRepr, AlphabetCounter, itype
from direct.showbase.Job import Job
from direct.showbase.JobManagerGlobal import jobMgr
from direct.showbase.MessengerGlobal import messenger
from panda3d.core import ConfigVariableBool
import gc
import sys
GarbageCycleCountAnnounceEvent = 'announceGarbageCycleDesc2num'
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
xrange = range
[docs]class FakeDelObject:
def __del__(self):
def _createGarbage(num=1):
for i in xrange(num):
a = FakeObject()
b = FakeObject()
a.other = b
b.other = a
a = FakeDelObject()
b = FakeDelObject()
a.other = b
b.other = a
[docs]class GarbageReport(Job):
"""Detects leaked Python objects (via gc.collect()) and reports on garbage
items, garbage-to-garbage references, and garbage cycles.
If you just want to dump the report to the log, use GarbageLogger."""
notify = directNotify.newCategory("GarbageReport")
[docs] def __init__(self, name, log=True, verbose=False, fullReport=False, findCycles=True,
threaded=False, doneCallback=None, autoDestroy=False, priority=None,
safeMode=False, delOnly=False, collect=True):
# if autoDestroy is True, GarbageReport will self-destroy after logging
# if false, caller is responsible for calling destroy()
# if threaded is True, processing will be performed over multiple frames
# if collect is False, we assume that the caller just did a collect and the results
# are still in gc.garbage
Job.__init__(self, name)
# stick the arguments onto a ScratchPad so we can delete them all at once
self._args = ScratchPad(name=name, log=log, verbose=verbose, fullReport=fullReport,
findCycles=findCycles, doneCallback=doneCallback,
autoDestroy=autoDestroy, safeMode=safeMode, delOnly=delOnly,
if priority is not None:
if not threaded:
[docs] def run(self):
# do the garbage collection
oldFlags = gc.get_debug()
if self._args.delOnly:
# do a collect without SAVEALL, to identify the instances that are involved in
# cycles with instances that define __del__
# cycles that do not involve any instances that define __del__ are cleaned up
# automatically by Python, but they also appear in gc.garbage when SAVEALL is set
if self._args.collect:
garbageInstances = gc.garbage[:]
del gc.garbage[:]
# only yield if there's more time-consuming work to do,
# if there's no garbage, give instant feedback
if len(garbageInstances) > 0:
yield None
# don't repr the garbage list if we don't have to
if self.notify.getDebug():
self.notify.debug('garbageInstances == %s' % fastRepr(garbageInstances))
self.numGarbageInstances = len(garbageInstances)
# grab the ids of the garbage instances (objects with __del__)
self.garbageInstanceIds = set()
for i in xrange(len(garbageInstances)):
if not (i % 20):
yield None
# then release the list of instances so that it doesn't interfere with the gc.collect() below
del garbageInstances
self.garbageInstanceIds = set()
# do a SAVEALL pass so that we have all of the objects involved in legitimate garbage cycles
# without SAVEALL, gc.garbage only contains objects with __del__ methods
if self._args.collect:
self.garbage = gc.garbage[:]
del gc.garbage[:]
# only yield if there's more time-consuming work to do,
# if there's no garbage, give instant feedback
if len(self.garbage) > 0:
yield None
# don't repr the garbage list if we don't have to
if self.notify.getDebug():
self.notify.debug('self.garbage == %s' % fastRepr(self.garbage))
self.numGarbage = len(self.garbage)
# only yield if there's more time-consuming work to do,
# if there's no garbage, give instant feedback
if self.numGarbage > 0:
yield None
if self._args.verbose:
self.notify.info('found %s garbage items' % self.numGarbage)
""" spammy
# print the types of the garbage first, in case the repr of an object
# causes a crash
if self.numGarbage > 0:
self.notify.info('TYPES ONLY (this is only needed if a crash occurs before GarbageReport finishes):')
for result in printNumberedTypesGen(self.garbage):
yield None
# Py obj id -> garbage list index
self._id2index = {}
self.referrersByReference = {}
self.referrersByNumber = {}
self.referentsByReference = {}
self.referentsByNumber = {}
self._id2garbageInfo = {}
self.cycles = []
self.cyclesBySyntax = []
self.uniqueCycleSets = set()
self.cycleIds = set()
# make the id->index table to speed up the next steps
for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
self._id2index[id(self.garbage[i])] = i
if not (i % 20):
yield None
# grab the referrers (pointing to garbage)
if self._args.fullReport and (self.numGarbage != 0):
if self._args.verbose:
self.notify.info('getting referrers...')
for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
yield None
for result in self._getReferrers(self.garbage[i]):
yield None
byNum, byRef = result
self.referrersByNumber[i] = byNum
self.referrersByReference[i] = byRef
# grab the referents (pointed to by garbage)
if self.numGarbage > 0:
if self._args.verbose:
self.notify.info('getting referents...')
for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
yield None
for result in self._getReferents(self.garbage[i]):
yield None
byNum, byRef = result
self.referentsByNumber[i] = byNum
self.referentsByReference[i] = byRef
for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
if hasattr(self.garbage[i], '_garbageInfo') and callable(self.garbage[i]._garbageInfo):
info = self.garbage[i]._garbageInfo()
except Exception as e:
info = str(e)
self._id2garbageInfo[id(self.garbage[i])] = info
yield None
if not (i % 20):
yield None
# find the cycles
if self._args.findCycles and self.numGarbage > 0:
if self._args.verbose:
self.notify.info('calculating cycles...')
for i in xrange(self.numGarbage):
yield None
for newCycles in self._getCycles(i, self.uniqueCycleSets):
yield None
# create a representation of the cycle in human-readable form
newCyclesBySyntax = []
for cycle in newCycles:
cycleBySyntax = ''
objs = []
# leave off the last index, it's a repeat of the first index
for index in cycle[:-1]:
yield None
# make the list repeat so we can safely iterate off the end
numObjs = len(objs) - 1
# state variables for our loop below
numToSkip = 0
objAlreadyRepresented = False
# if cycle starts off with an instance dict, start with the instance instead
startIndex = 0
# + 1 to include a reference back to the first object
endIndex = numObjs + 1
if type(objs[0]) is dict and hasattr(objs[-1], '__dict__'):
startIndex -= 1
endIndex -= 1
for index in xrange(startIndex, endIndex):
if numToSkip:
numToSkip -= 1
obj = objs[index]
if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'):
if not objAlreadyRepresented:
cycleBySyntax += '%s' % obj.__class__.__name__
cycleBySyntax += '.'
# skip past the instance dict and get the member obj
numToSkip += 1
member = objs[index+2]
for key, value in obj.__dict__.items():
if value is member:
yield None
key = '<unknown member name>'
cycleBySyntax += '%s' % key
objAlreadyRepresented = True
elif type(obj) is dict:
cycleBySyntax += '{'
# get object referred to by dict
val = objs[index+1]
for key, value in obj.items():
if value is val:
yield None
key = '<unknown key>'
cycleBySyntax += '%s}' % fastRepr(key)
objAlreadyRepresented = True
elif type(obj) in (tuple, list):
brackets = {
tuple: '()',
list: '[]',
# get object being referenced by container
nextObj = objs[index+1]
cycleBySyntax += brackets[0]
for index in xrange(len(obj)):
if obj[index] is nextObj:
index = str(index)
yield None
index = '<unknown index>'
cycleBySyntax += '%s%s' % (index, brackets[1])
objAlreadyRepresented = True
cycleBySyntax += '%s --> ' % itype(obj)
objAlreadyRepresented = False
yield None
# if we're not doing a full report, add this cycle's IDs to the master set
if not self._args.fullReport:
for cycle in newCycles:
yield None
self.numCycles = len(self.cycles)
if self._args.findCycles:
s = ['===== GarbageReport: \'%s\' (%s %s) =====' % (
self._args.name, self.numCycles,
('cycle' if self.numCycles == 1 else 'cycles'))]
s = ['===== GarbageReport: \'%s\' =====' % (
if self.numGarbage > 0:
# make a list of the ids we will actually be printing
if self._args.fullReport:
garbageIndices = range(self.numGarbage)
garbageIndices = list(self.cycleIds)
numGarbage = len(garbageIndices)
# log each individual item with a number in front of it
if not self._args.fullReport:
abbrev = '(abbreviated) '
abbrev = ''
s.append('===== Garbage Items %s=====' % abbrev)
digits = 0
n = numGarbage
while n > 0:
yield None
digits += 1
n = n // 10
digits = digits
format = '%0' + '%s' % digits + 'i:%s \t%s'
for i in xrange(numGarbage):
yield None
idx = garbageIndices[i]
if self._args.safeMode:
# in safe mode, don't try to repr any of the objects
objStr = repr(itype(self.garbage[idx]))
objStr = fastRepr(self.garbage[idx])
maxLen = 5000
if len(objStr) > maxLen:
snip = '<SNIP>'
objStr = '%s%s' % (objStr[:(maxLen-len(snip))], snip)
s.append(format % (idx, itype(self.garbage[idx]), objStr))
# also log the types of the objects
s.append('===== Garbage Item Types %s=====' % abbrev)
for i in xrange(numGarbage):
yield None
idx = garbageIndices[i]
objStr = str(deeptype(self.garbage[idx]))
maxLen = 5000
if len(objStr) > maxLen:
snip = '<SNIP>'
objStr = '%s%s' % (objStr[:(maxLen-len(snip))], snip)
s.append(format % (idx, itype(self.garbage[idx]), objStr))
if self._args.findCycles:
s.append('===== Garbage Cycles (Garbage Item Numbers) =====')
ac = AlphabetCounter()
for i in xrange(self.numCycles):
yield None
s.append('%s:%s' % (ac.next(), self.cycles[i]))
if self._args.findCycles:
s.append('===== Garbage Cycles (Python Syntax) =====')
ac = AlphabetCounter()
for i in xrange(len(self.cyclesBySyntax)):
yield None
s.append('%s:%s' % (ac.next(), self.cyclesBySyntax[i]))
if len(self._id2garbageInfo):
s.append('===== Garbage Custom Info =====')
ac = AlphabetCounter()
for i in xrange(len(self.cyclesBySyntax)):
yield None
counter = ac.next()
_id = id(self.garbage[i])
if _id in self._id2garbageInfo:
s.append('%s:%s' % (counter, self._id2garbageInfo[_id]))
if self._args.fullReport:
format = '%0' + '%s' % digits + 'i:%s'
s.append('===== Referrers By Number (what is referring to garbage item?) =====')
for i in xrange(numGarbage):
yield None
s.append(format % (i, self.referrersByNumber[i]))
s.append('===== Referents By Number (what is garbage item referring to?) =====')
for i in xrange(numGarbage):
yield None
s.append(format % (i, self.referentsByNumber[i]))
s.append('===== Referrers (what is referring to garbage item?) =====')
for i in xrange(numGarbage):
yield None
s.append(format % (i, self.referrersByReference[i]))
s.append('===== Referents (what is garbage item referring to?) =====')
for i in xrange(numGarbage):
yield None
s.append(format % (i, self.referentsByReference[i]))
self._report = s
if self._args.log:
for i in xrange(len(self._report)):
if self.numGarbage > 0:
yield None
self.notify.info('===== Garbage Report Done =====')
yield Job.Done
[docs] def finished(self):
if self._args.doneCallback:
if self._args.autoDestroy:
[docs] def destroy(self):
#print 'GarbageReport.destroy'
del self._args
del self.garbage
# don't get rid of these, we might need them
#del self.numGarbage
#del self.numCycles
del self.referrersByReference
del self.referrersByNumber
del self.referentsByReference
del self.referentsByNumber
if hasattr(self, 'cycles'):
del self.cycles
del self._report
if hasattr(self, '_reportStr'):
del self._reportStr
[docs] def getNumCycles(self):
# if the job hasn't run yet, we don't have a numCycles yet
return self.numCycles
[docs] def getDesc2numDict(self):
# dict of python-syntax leak -> number of that type of leak
desc2num = {}
for cycleBySyntax in self.cyclesBySyntax:
desc2num.setdefault(cycleBySyntax, 0)
desc2num[cycleBySyntax] += 1
return desc2num
[docs] def getGarbage(self):
return self.garbage
[docs] def getReport(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_reportStr'):
self._reportStr = ''
for str in self._report:
self._reportStr += '\n' + str
return self._reportStr
def _getReferrers(self, obj):
# referrers (pointing to garbage)
# returns two lists, first by index into gc.garbage, second by
# direct reference
yield None
byRef = gc.get_referrers(obj)
yield None
# look to see if each referrer is another garbage item
byNum = []
for i in xrange(len(byRef)):
if not (i % 20):
yield None
referrer = byRef[i]
num = self._id2index.get(id(referrer), None)
yield byNum, byRef
def _getReferents(self, obj):
# referents (pointed to by garbage)
# returns two lists, first by index into gc.garbage, second by
# direct reference
yield None
byRef = gc.get_referents(obj)
yield None
# look to see if each referent is another garbage item
byNum = []
for i in xrange(len(byRef)):
if not (i % 20):
yield None
referent = byRef[i]
num = self._id2index.get(id(referent), None)
yield byNum, byRef
def _getNormalizedCycle(self, cycle):
# returns a representation of a cycle (list of indices) that will be
# reliably derived from a unique cycle regardless of ordering
# this lets us detect duplicate cycles that appear different because of
# which element appears first
if len(cycle) == 0:
return cycle
min = 1<<30
minIndex = None
for i in xrange(len(cycle)):
elem = cycle[i]
if elem < min:
min = elem
minIndex = i
return cycle[minIndex:] + cycle[:minIndex]
def _getCycles(self, index, uniqueCycleSets=None):
# detect garbage cycles for a particular item of garbage
assert self.notify.debugCall()
# returns list of lists, sublists are garbage reference cycles
cycles = []
# this lets us eliminate duplicate cycles
if uniqueCycleSets is None:
uniqueCycleSets = set()
stateStack = Stack()
rootId = index
# check if the root object is one of the garbage instances (has __del__)
objId = id(self.garbage[rootId])
numDelInstances = int(objId in self.garbageInstanceIds)
stateStack.push(([rootId], rootId, numDelInstances, 0))
while True:
yield None
if len(stateStack) == 0:
candidateCycle, curId, numDelInstances, resumeIndex = stateStack.pop()
if self.notify.getDebug():
if self._args.delOnly:
print('restart: %s root=%s cur=%s numDelInstances=%s resume=%s' % (
candidateCycle, rootId, curId, numDelInstances, resumeIndex))
print('restart: %s root=%s cur=%s resume=%s' % (
candidateCycle, rootId, curId, resumeIndex))
for index in xrange(resumeIndex, len(self.referentsByNumber[curId])):
yield None
refId = self.referentsByNumber[curId][index]
if self.notify.getDebug():
print(' : %s -> %s' % (curId, refId))
if refId == rootId:
# we found a cycle! mark it down and move on to the next refId
normCandidateCycle = self._getNormalizedCycle(candidateCycle)
normCandidateCycleTuple = tuple(normCandidateCycle)
if not normCandidateCycleTuple in uniqueCycleSets:
# cycles with no instances that define __del__ will be
# cleaned up by Python
if (not self._args.delOnly) or numDelInstances >= 1:
if self.notify.getDebug():
print(' FOUND: ', normCandidateCycle + [normCandidateCycle[0],])
cycles.append(normCandidateCycle + [normCandidateCycle[0],])
elif refId in candidateCycle:
elif refId is not None:
# check if this object is one of the garbage instances (has __del__)
objId = id(self.garbage[refId])
numDelInstances += int(objId in self.garbageInstanceIds)
# this refId does not complete a cycle. Mark down
# where we are in this list of referents, then
# start looking through the referents of the new refId
stateStack.push((list(candidateCycle), curId, numDelInstances, index+1))
stateStack.push((list(candidateCycle) + [refId], refId, numDelInstances, 0))
yield cycles
[docs]class GarbageLogger(GarbageReport):
"""If you just want to log the current garbage to the log file, make
one of these. It automatically destroys itself after logging"""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, *args, **kArgs):
kArgs['log'] = True
kArgs['autoDestroy'] = True
GarbageReport.__init__(self, name, *args, **kArgs)
class _CFGLGlobals:
# for checkForGarbageLeaks
LastNumGarbage = 0
LastNumCycles = 0
[docs]def checkForGarbageLeaks():
numGarbage = len(gc.garbage)
if numGarbage > 0 and ConfigVariableBool('auto-garbage-logging', False):
if (numGarbage != _CFGLGlobals.LastNumGarbage):
gr = GarbageReport('found garbage', threaded=False, collect=False)
_CFGLGlobals.LastNumGarbage = numGarbage
_CFGLGlobals.LastNumCycles = gr.getNumCycles()
messenger.send(GarbageCycleCountAnnounceEvent, [gr.getDesc2numDict()])
notify = directNotify.newCategory("GarbageDetect")
if ConfigVariableBool('allow-garbage-cycles', True):
func = notify.warning
func = notify.error
func('%s garbage cycles found, see info above' % _CFGLGlobals.LastNumCycles)
return numGarbage
[docs]def b_checkForGarbageLeaks(wantReply=False):
if not __dev__:
return 0
# does a garbage collect on the client and the AI
# returns number of client garbage leaks
# logs leak info and terminates (if configured to do so)
# if this is the client, tell the AI to check for leaks too
if base.cr.timeManager:
return checkForGarbageLeaks()