from panda3d.core import *
from import *
from direct.task import Task
from direct.task.TaskManagerGlobal import taskMgr
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
_want_python_motion_trails = ConfigVariableBool('want-python-motion-trails', False)
[docs]def remove_task():
if MotionTrail.task_added:
total_motion_trails = len(MotionTrail.motion_trail_list)
if total_motion_trails > 0:
print("warning: %d motion trails still exist when motion trail task is removed" % (total_motion_trails))
MotionTrail.motion_trail_list = []
print("MotionTrail task removed")
MotionTrail.task_added = False
[docs]class MotionTrailVertex:
[docs] def __init__(self, vertex_id, vertex_function, context):
self.vertex_id = vertex_id
self.vertex_function = vertex_function
self.context = context
self.vertex = Vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
# default
self.start_color = Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
self.end_color = Vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
self.v = 0.0
[docs]class MotionTrailFrame:
[docs] def __init__(self, current_time, transform):
self.time = current_time
self.transform = transform
[docs]class MotionTrail(NodePath, DirectObject):
"""Generates smooth geometry-based motion trails behind a moving object.
To use this class, first define the shape of the cross-section polygon that
is to be extruded along the motion trail by calling `add_vertex()` and
`set_vertex_color()`. When this is done, call `update_vertices()`.
To generate the motion trail, either call `register_motion_trail()`
to have Panda update it automatically, or periodically call the method
`update_motion_trail()` with the current time and the new transform.
The duration of the sample history is specified by `time_window`. A larger
time window creates longer motion trails (given constant speed). Samples
that are no longer within the time window are automatically discarded.
The `use_nurbs` option can be used to create smooth interpolated curves
from the samples. This option is useful for animations that lack sampling
to begin with, animations that move very quickly, or low frame rates, or if
`sampling_time` is used to artificially slow down the update frequency.
By default, the optimized C++ implementation (provided by `.CMotionTrail`)
is used to generate the motion trails. If for some reason you want to use
the pure-Python implementation instead, set `want-python-motion-trails` to
true in Config.prc.
notify = directNotify.newCategory("MotionTrail")
task_added = False
motion_trail_list = []
motion_trail_task_name = "motion_trail_task"
global_enable = True
[docs] @classmethod
def setGlobalEnable(cls, enable):
"""Set this to False to have the task stop updating all motion trails.
This does not prevent updating them manually using the
`update_motion_trail()` method.
cls.global_enable = enable
[docs] def __init__(self, name, parent_node_path):
"""Creates the motion trail with the given name and parents it to the
given root node.
NodePath.__init__(self, name)
# required initialization = True
self.enable = True
self.pause = False
self.pause_time = 0.0
self.fade = False
self.fade_end = False
self.fade_start_time = 0.0
self.fade_color_scale = 1.0
self.total_vertices = 0
self.last_update_time = 0.0
self.texture = None
self.vertex_list = []
self.frame_list = []
self.parent_node_path = parent_node_path
self.previous_matrix = None
self.calculate_relative_matrix = False
self.playing = False
# default options
self.continuous_motion_trail = True
self.color_scale = 1.0
#: How long the time window is for which the trail is computed. Can be
#: increased to obtain a longer trail, decreased for a shorter trail.
self.time_window = 1.0
#: How often the trail updates, in seconds. The default is 0.0, which
#: has the trail updated every frame for the smoothest result. Higher
#: values will generate a choppier trail. The `use_nurbs` option can
#: compensate partially for this choppiness, however.
self.sampling_time = 0.0
self.square_t = True
# self.task_transform = False
self.root_node_path = None
# node path states
#: A `.GeomNode` object containing the generated geometry. By default
#: parented to the MotionTrail itself, but can be reparented elsewhere
#: if necessary.
self.geom_node = GeomNode("motion_trail")
self.geom_node_path = self.attachNewNode(self.geom_node)
node_path = self.geom_node_path
### set render states
# set additive blend effects
# do not light
# disable writes to destination alpha, write out rgb colors only
node_path.setAttrib(ColorWriteAttrib.make(ColorWriteAttrib.CRed | ColorWriteAttrib.CGreen | ColorWriteAttrib.CBlue))
if not MotionTrail.task_added:
#taskMgr.add(self.motion_trail_task, "motion_trail_task", priority = 50)
taskMgr.add(self.motion_trail_task, MotionTrail.motion_trail_task_name)
self.acceptOnce("clientLogout", remove_task)
MotionTrail.task_added = True
self.relative_to_render = False
#: Set this to True to use a NURBS curve to generate a smooth trail,
#: even if the underlying animation or movement is janky.
self.use_nurbs = False
#: This can be changed to fine-tune the resolution of the NURBS curve.
self.resolution_distance = 0.5
self.cmotion_trail = CMotionTrail()
self.modified_vertices = True
if _want_python_motion_trails:
self.use_python_version = True
self.use_python_version = False
[docs] def delete(self):
"""Completely cleans up the motion trail object.
[docs] def print_matrix(self, matrix):
separator = ' '
print(matrix.getCell(0, 0), separator, matrix.getCell(0, 1), separator, matrix.getCell(0, 2), separator, matrix.getCell(0, 3))
print(matrix.getCell(1, 0), separator, matrix.getCell(1, 1), separator, matrix.getCell(1, 2), separator, matrix.getCell(1, 3))
print(matrix.getCell(2, 0), separator, matrix.getCell(2, 1), separator, matrix.getCell(2, 2), separator, matrix.getCell(2, 3))
print(matrix.getCell(3, 0), separator, matrix.getCell(3, 1), separator, matrix.getCell(3, 2), separator, matrix.getCell(3, 3))
[docs] def motion_trail_task(self, task):
current_time = task.time
total_motion_trails = len(MotionTrail.motion_trail_list)
index = 0
while index < total_motion_trails:
motion_trail = MotionTrail.motion_trail_list [index]
if MotionTrail.global_enable:
if motion_trail.use_python_version:
# Python version
if and motion_trail.check_for_update(current_time):
transform = None
if motion_trail.root_node_path is not None and motion_trail.root_node_path != render:
if motion_trail.root_node_path and not motion_trail.relative_to_render:
transform = motion_trail.getMat(motion_trail.root_node_path)
transform = Mat4(motion_trail.getNetTransform().getMat())
if transform is not None:
motion_trail.update_motion_trail(current_time, transform)
# C++ version
if and motion_trail.cmotion_trail.checkForUpdate(current_time):
transform = None
if motion_trail.root_node_path is not None and motion_trail.root_node_path != render:
if motion_trail.root_node_path and not motion_trail.relative_to_render:
transform = motion_trail.getMat(motion_trail.root_node_path)
transform = Mat4(motion_trail.getNetTransform().getMat())
if transform is not None:
motion_trail.cmotion_trail.updateMotionTrail(current_time, transform)
index += 1
return Task.cont
[docs] def add_vertex(self, vertex_id, vertex_function=None, context=None):
"""This must be called initially to define the polygon that forms the
cross-section of the generated motion trail geometry. The first
argument is a user-defined vertex identifier, the second is a function
that will be called with three parameters that should return the
position of the vertex as a `.Vec4` object, and the third is an
arbitrary context object that is passed as last argument to the
provided function.
After calling this, you must call `update_vertices()` before the
changes will fully take effect.
As of Panda3D 1.10.13, you may alternatively simply pass in a single
argument containing the vertex position as a `.Vec4` or `.Point3`.
if vertex_function is None:
motion_trail_vertex = MotionTrailVertex(None, None, context)
motion_trail_vertex.vertex = Vec4(vertex_id)
motion_trail_vertex = MotionTrailVertex(vertex_id, vertex_function, context)
total_vertices = len(self.vertex_list)
self.vertex_list[total_vertices : total_vertices] = [motion_trail_vertex]
self.total_vertices = len(self.vertex_list)
self.modified_vertices = True
return motion_trail_vertex
[docs] def set_vertex_color(self, vertex_id, start_color, end_color):
"""Sets the start and end color of the vertex with the given index,
which must have been previously added by `add_vertex()`. The motion
trail will contain a smooth gradient between these colors. By default,
the motion trail fades from white to black (which, with the default
additive blending mode, makes it show up as a purely white motion trail
that fades out towards the end).
if vertex_id >= 0 and vertex_id < self.total_vertices:
motion_trail_vertex = self.vertex_list[vertex_id]
motion_trail_vertex.start_color = start_color
motion_trail_vertex.end_color = end_color
self.modified_vertices = True
[docs] def set_texture(self, texture):
"""Defines the texture that should be applied to the trail geometry.
This also enables generation of UV coordinates.
self.texture = texture
if texture:
# texture.setWrapU(Texture.WMClamp)
# texture.setWrapV(Texture.WMClamp)
self.modified_vertices = True
[docs] def update_vertices(self):
"""This must be called after the list of vertices defining the
cross-section shape of the motion trail has been defined by
`add_vertex()` and `set_vertex_color()`.
total_vertices = len(self.vertex_list)
self.total_vertices = total_vertices
if total_vertices >= 2:
vertex_index = 0
while vertex_index < total_vertices:
motion_trail_vertex = self.vertex_list[vertex_index]
if motion_trail_vertex.vertex_function is not None:
motion_trail_vertex.vertex = motion_trail_vertex.vertex_function(motion_trail_vertex, motion_trail_vertex.vertex_id, motion_trail_vertex.context)
vertex_index += 1
# calculate v coordinate
# this is based on the number of vertices only and not on the relative positions of the vertices
vertex_index = 0
float_vertex_index = 0.0
float_total_vertices = 0.0
float_total_vertices = total_vertices - 1.0
while vertex_index < total_vertices:
motion_trail_vertex = self.vertex_list[vertex_index]
motion_trail_vertex.v = float_vertex_index / float_total_vertices
vertex_index += 1
float_vertex_index += 1.0
# print "motion_trail_vertex.v", motion_trail_vertex.v
self.modified_vertices = True
[docs] def transferVertices(self):
# transfer only on modification
if self.modified_vertices:
self.cmotion_trail.setParameters(self.sampling_time, self.time_window, self.texture is not None, self.calculate_relative_matrix, self.use_nurbs, self.resolution_distance)
vertex_index = 0
total_vertices = len(self.vertex_list)
while vertex_index < total_vertices:
motion_trail_vertex = self.vertex_list[vertex_index]
self.cmotion_trail.addVertex(motion_trail_vertex.vertex, motion_trail_vertex.start_color, motion_trail_vertex.end_color, motion_trail_vertex.v)
vertex_index += 1
self.modified_vertices = False
[docs] def register_motion_trail(self):
"""Adds this motion trail to the list of trails that are updated
automatically every frame. Be careful not to call this twice.
MotionTrail.motion_trail_list = MotionTrail.motion_trail_list + [self]
[docs] def unregister_motion_trail(self):
"""Removes this motion trail from the list of trails that are updated
automatically every frame. If it is not on that list, does nothing.
if self in MotionTrail.motion_trail_list:
[docs] def begin_geometry(self):
self.vertex_index = 0
if self.texture is not None:
self.format = GeomVertexFormat.getV3c4t2()
self.format = GeomVertexFormat.getV3c4()
self.vertex_data = GeomVertexData("vertices", self.format, Geom.UHStatic)
self.vertex_writer = GeomVertexWriter(self.vertex_data, "vertex")
self.color_writer = GeomVertexWriter(self.vertex_data, "color")
if self.texture is not None:
self.texture_writer = GeomVertexWriter(self.vertex_data, "texcoord")
self.triangles = GeomTriangles(Geom.UHStatic)
[docs] def add_geometry_quad(self, v0, v1, v2, v3, c0, c1, c2, c3, t0, t1, t2, t3):
self.vertex_writer.addData3(v0[0], v0[1], v0[2])
self.vertex_writer.addData3(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2])
self.vertex_writer.addData3(v2[0], v2[1], v2[2])
self.vertex_writer.addData3(v3[0], v3[1], v3[2])
if self.texture is not None:
vertex_index = self.vertex_index
self.triangles.addVertex(vertex_index + 0)
self.triangles.addVertex(vertex_index + 1)
self.triangles.addVertex(vertex_index + 2)
self.triangles.addVertex(vertex_index + 1)
self.triangles.addVertex(vertex_index + 3)
self.triangles.addVertex(vertex_index + 2)
self.vertex_index += 4
[docs] def end_geometry(self):
self.geometry = Geom(self.vertex_data)
[docs] def check_for_update(self, current_time):
"""Returns true if the motion trail is overdue for an update based on
the configured `sampling_time` (by default 0.0 to update continuously),
and is not currently paused.
state = False
if (current_time - self.last_update_time) >= self.sampling_time:
state = True
if self.pause:
state = False
update = state and self.enable
return state
[docs] def update_motion_trail(self, current_time, transform):
"""If the trail is overdue for an update based on the given time in
seconds, updates it, extracting the new object position from the given
transform matrix.
if len(self.frame_list) >= 1:
if transform == self.frame_list[0].transform:
# ignore duplicate transform updates
if self.check_for_update(current_time):
color_scale = self.color_scale
if self.fade:
elapsed_time = current_time - self.fade_start_time
if elapsed_time < 0.0:
print("elapsed_time < 0: %f" % (elapsed_time))
elapsed_time = 0.0
if elapsed_time < self.fade_time:
color_scale = (1.0 - (elapsed_time / self.fade_time)) * color_scale
color_scale = 0.0
self.fade_end = True
self.last_update_time = current_time
# remove expired frames
minimum_time = current_time - self.time_window
index = 0
last_frame_index = len(self.frame_list) - 1
while index <= last_frame_index:
motion_trail_frame = self.frame_list[last_frame_index - index]
if motion_trail_frame.time >= minimum_time:
index += 1
if index > 0:
self.frame_list[last_frame_index - index: last_frame_index + 1] = []
# add new frame to beginning of list
motion_trail_frame = MotionTrailFrame(current_time, transform)
self.frame_list = [motion_trail_frame] + self.frame_list
# convert frames and vertices to geometry
total_frames = len(self.frame_list)
#print("total_frames", total_frames)
#index = 0
#while index < total_frames:
# motion_trail_frame = self.frame_list[index]
# print("frame time", index, motion_trail_frame.time)
# index += 1
if total_frames >= 2 and self.total_vertices >= 2:
total_segments = total_frames - 1
last_motion_trail_frame = self.frame_list[total_segments]
minimum_time = last_motion_trail_frame.time
delta_time = current_time - minimum_time
if self.calculate_relative_matrix:
inverse_matrix = Mat4(transform)
if self.use_nurbs and total_frames >= 5:
total_distance = 0.0
vector = Vec3()
nurbs_curve_evaluator_list = []
total_vertex_segments = self.total_vertices - 1
# create a NurbsCurveEvaluator for each vertex(the starting point for the trail)
index = 0
while index < self.total_vertices:
nurbs_curve_evaluator = NurbsCurveEvaluator()
nurbs_curve_evaluator_list = nurbs_curve_evaluator_list + [nurbs_curve_evaluator]
index += 1
# add vertices to each NurbsCurveEvaluator
segment_index = 0
while segment_index < total_segments:
motion_trail_frame_start = self.frame_list[segment_index]
motion_trail_frame_end = self.frame_list[segment_index + 1]
vertex_segment_index = 0
if self.calculate_relative_matrix:
start_transform = Mat4()
end_transform = Mat4()
start_transform.multiply(motion_trail_frame_start.transform, inverse_matrix)
end_transform.multiply(motion_trail_frame_end.transform, inverse_matrix)
start_transform = motion_trail_frame_start.transform
end_transform = motion_trail_frame_end.transform
motion_trail_vertex_start = self.vertex_list[0]
v0 = start_transform.xform(motion_trail_vertex_start.vertex)
v2 = end_transform.xform(motion_trail_vertex_start.vertex)
nurbs_curve_evaluator = nurbs_curve_evaluator_list [vertex_segment_index]
nurbs_curve_evaluator.setVertex(segment_index, v0)
while vertex_segment_index < total_vertex_segments:
motion_trail_vertex_start = self.vertex_list[vertex_segment_index]
motion_trail_vertex_end = self.vertex_list[vertex_segment_index + 1]
v1 = start_transform.xform(motion_trail_vertex_end.vertex)
v3 = end_transform.xform(motion_trail_vertex_end.vertex)
nurbs_curve_evaluator = nurbs_curve_evaluator_list [vertex_segment_index + 1]
nurbs_curve_evaluator.setVertex(segment_index, v1)
if vertex_segment_index == (total_vertex_segments - 1):
v = v1 - v3
vector.set(v[0], v[1], v[2])
distance = vector.length()
total_distance += distance
vertex_segment_index += 1
segment_index += 1
# evaluate NurbsCurveEvaluator for each vertex
index = 0
nurbs_curve_result_list = []
while index < self.total_vertices:
nurbs_curve_evaluator = nurbs_curve_evaluator_list [index]
nurbs_curve_result = nurbs_curve_evaluator.evaluate()
nurbs_curve_result_list = nurbs_curve_result_list + [nurbs_curve_result]
nurbs_start_t = nurbs_curve_result.getStartT()
nurbs_end_t = nurbs_curve_result.getEndT()
index += 1
# create quads from NurbsCurveResult
total_curve_segments = total_distance / self.resolution_distance
if total_curve_segments < total_segments:
total_curve_segments = total_segments
v0 = Vec3()
v1 = Vec3()
v2 = Vec3()
v3 = Vec3()
def one_minus_x(x):
x = 1.0 - x
if x < 0.0:
x = 0.0
return x
curve_segment_index = 0.0
while curve_segment_index < total_curve_segments:
vertex_segment_index = 0
st = curve_segment_index / total_curve_segments
et = (curve_segment_index + 1.0) / total_curve_segments
#st = curve_segment_index / total_segments
#et = (curve_segment_index + 1.0) / total_segments
start_t = st
end_t = et
if self.square_t:
start_t *= start_t
end_t *= end_t
motion_trail_vertex_start = self.vertex_list[0]
vertex_start_color = motion_trail_vertex_start.end_color + (motion_trail_vertex_start.start_color - motion_trail_vertex_start.end_color)
color_start_t = color_scale * start_t
color_end_t = color_scale * end_t
c0 = vertex_start_color * one_minus_x(color_start_t)
c2 = vertex_start_color * one_minus_x(color_end_t)
t0 = Vec2(one_minus_x(st), motion_trail_vertex_start.v)
t2 = Vec2(one_minus_x(et), motion_trail_vertex_start.v)
while vertex_segment_index < total_vertex_segments:
motion_trail_vertex_start = self.vertex_list[vertex_segment_index]
motion_trail_vertex_end = self.vertex_list[vertex_segment_index + 1]
start_nurbs_curve_result = nurbs_curve_result_list [vertex_segment_index]
end_nurbs_curve_result = nurbs_curve_result_list [vertex_segment_index + 1]
start_nurbs_start_t = start_nurbs_curve_result.getStartT()
start_nurbs_end_t = start_nurbs_curve_result.getEndT()
end_nurbs_start_t = end_nurbs_curve_result.getStartT()
end_nurbs_end_t = end_nurbs_curve_result.getEndT()
start_delta_t = (start_nurbs_end_t - start_nurbs_start_t)
end_delta_t = (end_nurbs_end_t - end_nurbs_start_t)
start_nurbs_curve_result.evalPoint(start_nurbs_start_t + (start_delta_t * st), v0)
end_nurbs_curve_result.evalPoint(end_nurbs_start_t + (end_delta_t * st), v1)
start_nurbs_curve_result.evalPoint(start_nurbs_start_t + (start_delta_t * et), v2)
end_nurbs_curve_result.evalPoint(end_nurbs_start_t + (end_delta_t * et), v3)
# color
vertex_end_color = motion_trail_vertex_end.end_color + (motion_trail_vertex_end.start_color - motion_trail_vertex_end.end_color)
c1 = vertex_end_color * one_minus_x(color_start_t)
c3 = vertex_end_color * one_minus_x(color_end_t)
# uv
t1 = Vec2(one_minus_x(st), motion_trail_vertex_end.v)
t3 = Vec2(one_minus_x(et), motion_trail_vertex_end.v)
self.add_geometry_quad(v0, v1, v2, v3, c0, c1, c2, c3, t0, t1, t2, t3)
# reuse calculations
c0 = c1
c2 = c3
t0 = t1
t2 = t3
vertex_segment_index += 1
curve_segment_index += 1.0
segment_index = 0
while segment_index < total_segments:
motion_trail_frame_start = self.frame_list[segment_index]
motion_trail_frame_end = self.frame_list[segment_index + 1]
start_t = (motion_trail_frame_start.time - minimum_time) / delta_time
end_t = (motion_trail_frame_end.time - minimum_time) / delta_time
st = start_t
et = end_t
if self.square_t:
start_t *= start_t
end_t *= end_t
vertex_segment_index = 0
total_vertex_segments = self.total_vertices - 1
if self.calculate_relative_matrix:
start_transform = Mat4()
end_transform = Mat4()
start_transform.multiply(motion_trail_frame_start.transform, inverse_matrix)
end_transform.multiply(motion_trail_frame_end.transform, inverse_matrix)
start_transform = motion_trail_frame_start.transform
end_transform = motion_trail_frame_end.transform
motion_trail_vertex_start = self.vertex_list[0]
v0 = start_transform.xform(motion_trail_vertex_start.vertex)
v2 = end_transform.xform(motion_trail_vertex_start.vertex)
vertex_start_color = motion_trail_vertex_start.end_color + (motion_trail_vertex_start.start_color - motion_trail_vertex_start.end_color)
color_start_t = color_scale * start_t
color_end_t = color_scale * end_t
c0 = vertex_start_color * color_start_t
c2 = vertex_start_color * color_end_t
t0 = Vec2(st, motion_trail_vertex_start.v)
t2 = Vec2(et, motion_trail_vertex_start.v)
while vertex_segment_index < total_vertex_segments:
motion_trail_vertex_start = self.vertex_list[vertex_segment_index]
motion_trail_vertex_end = self.vertex_list[vertex_segment_index + 1]
v1 = start_transform.xform(motion_trail_vertex_end.vertex)
v3 = end_transform.xform(motion_trail_vertex_end.vertex)
# color
vertex_end_color = motion_trail_vertex_end.end_color + (motion_trail_vertex_end.start_color - motion_trail_vertex_end.end_color)
c1 = vertex_end_color * color_start_t
c3 = vertex_end_color * color_end_t
# uv
t1 = Vec2(st, motion_trail_vertex_end.v)
t3 = Vec2(et, motion_trail_vertex_end.v)
self.add_geometry_quad(v0, v1, v2, v3, c0, c1, c2, c3, t0, t1, t2, t3)
# reuse calculations
v0 = v1
v2 = v3
c0 = c1
c2 = c3
t0 = t1
t2 = t3
vertex_segment_index += 1
segment_index += 1
[docs] def enable_motion_trail(self, enable):
"""Sets whether the motion trail is currently enabled. Every motion
trail starts off as being enabled, passing False to this method prevents
it from being updated.
self.enable = enable
[docs] def reset_motion_trail(self):
"""Call this to have the motion trail restart from nothing on the next
self.frame_list = []
[docs] def reset_motion_trail_geometry(self):
"""Destroys the currently generated motion trail geometry immediately.
However, it will be fully regenerated on the next call to update, see
`reset_motion_trail()` to prevent this.
if self.geom_node is not None:
[docs] def attach_motion_trail(self):
"""Alias of `reset_motion_trail()`.
[docs] def begin_motion_trail(self):
if not self.continuous_motion_trail:
self.reset_motion_trail() = True
self.playing = True
[docs] def end_motion_trail(self):
if not self.continuous_motion_trail: = False
self.playing = False
# the following functions are not currently supported in the C++ version
[docs] def set_fade(self, time, current_time):
if not self.pause:
self.fade_color_scale = 1.0
if time == 0.0:
self.fade = False
self.fade_start_time = current_time
self.fade_time = time
self.fade = True
[docs] def pause_motion_trail(self, current_time):
if not self.pause:
self.pause_time = current_time
self.pause = True
[docs] def resume_motion_trail(self, current_time):
if self.pause:
delta_time = current_time - self.pause_time
frame_index = 0
total_frames = len(self.frame_list)
while frame_index < total_frames:
motion_trail_frame = self.frame_list[frame_index]
motion_trail_frame.time += delta_time
frame_index += 1
if self.fade:
self.fade_start_time += delta_time
self.pause = False
[docs] def toggle_pause_motion_trail(self, current_time):
if self.pause: