"""CRCache module: contains the CRCache class"""
from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
from . import DistributedObject
[docs]class CRCache:
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CRCache")
[docs] def __init__(self, maxCacheItems=10):
self.maxCacheItems = maxCacheItems
self.storedCacheItems = maxCacheItems
self.dict = {}
self.fifo = []
[docs] def isEmpty(self):
return len(self.fifo) == 0
[docs] def flush(self):
Delete each item in the cache then clear all references to them
assert self.checkCache()
CRCache.notify.debug("Flushing the cache")
# NOTE: delayDeleted objects should no longer get into the cache in the first place
# give objects a chance to clean themselves up before checking for DelayDelete leaks
# some of these objects might be holding delayDeletes on others
# track each object that is delayDeleted after it gets its chance to delete,
# and check them after all objects have had a chance to delete
delayDeleted = []
for distObj in self.dict.values():
if distObj.getDelayDeleteCount() != 0:
if distObj.getDelayDeleteCount() <= 0:
# make sure we're not leaking
# now that all objects have had a chance to delete, are there any objects left
# that are still delayDeleted?
delayDeleteLeaks = []
for distObj in delayDeleted:
if distObj.getDelayDeleteCount() != 0:
if len(delayDeleteLeaks):
s = 'CRCache.flush:'
for obj in delayDeleteLeaks:
s += ('\n could not delete %s (%s), delayDeletes=%s' %
(safeRepr(obj), itype(obj), obj.getDelayDeleteNames()))
# Null out all references to the objects so they will get gcd
self.dict = {}
self.fifo = []
[docs] def cache(self, distObj):
# Only distributed objects are allowed in the cache
assert isinstance(distObj, DistributedObject.DistributedObject)
assert self.checkCache()
# Get the doId
doId = distObj.getDoId()
# Error check
success = False
if doId in self.dict:
CRCache.notify.warning("Double cache attempted for distObj "
+ str(doId))
# Call disable on the distObj
# Put the distObj in the fifo and the dict
self.dict[doId] = distObj
success = True
if len(self.fifo) > self.maxCacheItems:
# if the cache is full, pop the oldest item
oldestDistObj = self.fifo.pop(0)
# and remove it from the dictionary
# and delete it
if oldestDistObj.getDelayDeleteCount() <= 0:
# make sure we're not leaking
# Make sure that the fifo and the dictionary are sane
assert len(self.dict) == len(self.fifo)
return success
[docs] def retrieve(self, doId):
assert self.checkCache()
if doId in self.dict:
# Find the object
distObj = self.dict[doId]
# Remove it from the dictionary
# Remove it from the fifo
# return the distObj
return distObj
# If you can't find it, return None
return None
[docs] def contains(self, doId):
return doId in self.dict
[docs] def delete(self, doId):
assert self.checkCache()
assert doId in self.dict
# Look it up
distObj = self.dict[doId]
# Remove it from the dict and fifo
# and delete it
if distObj.getDelayDeleteCount() <= 0:
# make sure we're not leaking
[docs] def checkCache(self):
# For debugging; this verifies that the cache is sensible and
# returns true if so.
from panda3d.core import NodePath
for obj in self.dict.values():
if isinstance(obj, NodePath):
assert not obj.isEmpty() and obj.getTopNode() != render.node()
return 1
[docs] def turnOff(self):
self.storedMaxCache = self.maxCacheItems
self.maxCacheItems = 0
[docs] def turnOn(self):
self.maxCacheItems = self.storedMaxCache