
class AuxSceneData

Bases: TypedReferenceCount

This is a base class for a generic data structure that can be attached per- instance to the camera, to store per-instance data that must be preserved over multiple frames.

In particular, this is used to implement the FadeLODNode, which must remember during traversal at what point it is in the fade, separately for each instance and for each camera.

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of AuxSceneData

AuxSceneData(AuxSceneData const&) = default

This is protected, since you normally don’t want to create a plain AuxSceneData object; instead, create an instance of a derived class that actually has some useful data in it.

static TypeHandle get_class_type(void)
double get_duration(void) const

Returns the minimum length in time, in seconds, to keep this AuxSceneData object around in the scene graph after the last time it was rendered.

double get_expiration_time(void) const

Returns the frame_time at which this AuxSceneData object is currently scheduled to be removed from the scene graph.

double get_last_render_time(void) const

Returns the last time this object was used during traversal (according to set_last_render_time()).

virtual void output(std::ostream &out) const
void set_duration(double duration)

Specifies the minimum length in time, in seconds, to keep this AuxSceneData object around in the scene graph after the last time it was rendered.

void set_last_render_time(double render_time)

Should be called with the current frame_time each time the AuxSceneData is used during traversal.

virtual void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const