Source code for direct.tkpanels.Inspector

"""Inspectors allow you to visually browse through the members of
various Python objects.  To open an inspector, import this module, and
execute ``inspector.inspect(anObject)``.

I start IDLE with this command line:: -c "from inspector import inspect"

so that I can just type: ``inspect(anObject)`` any time.

See :ref:`inspection-utilities` for more information.

__all__ = ['inspect', 'inspectorFor', 'Inspector', 'ModuleInspector', 'ClassInspector', 'InstanceInspector', 'FunctionInspector', 'InstanceMethodInspector', 'CodeInspector', 'ComplexInspector', 'DictionaryInspector', 'SequenceInspector', 'SliceInspector', 'InspectorWindow']

from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import *
import Pmw

### public API

[docs]def inspect(anObject): """Opens up a window for visually inspecting the details of a given Python object. See :ref:`inspection-utilities`. """ inspector = inspectorFor(anObject) inspectorWindow = InspectorWindow(inspector) return inspectorWindow
### private
[docs]def inspectorFor(anObject): typeName = type(anObject).__name__.capitalize() + 'Type' if typeName in _InspectorMap: inspectorName = _InspectorMap[typeName] else: print(("Can't find an inspector for " + typeName)) inspectorName = 'Inspector' inspector = globals()[inspectorName](anObject) return inspector
### initializing
[docs]def initializeInspectorMap(): global _InspectorMap notFinishedTypes = ['BufferType', 'EllipsisType', 'FrameType', 'TracebackType', 'XRangeType'] _InspectorMap = { 'Builtin_function_or_methodType': 'FunctionInspector', 'BuiltinFunctionType': 'FunctionInspector', 'BuiltinMethodType': 'FunctionInspector', 'ClassType': 'ClassInspector', 'CodeType': 'CodeInspector', 'ComplexType': 'Inspector', 'DictionaryType': 'DictionaryInspector', 'DictType': 'DictionaryInspector', 'FileType': 'Inspector', 'FloatType': 'Inspector', 'FunctionType': 'FunctionInspector', 'Instance methodType': 'InstanceMethodInspector', 'InstanceType': 'InstanceInspector', 'IntType': 'Inspector', 'LambdaType': 'Inspector', 'ListType': 'SequenceInspector', 'LongType': 'Inspector', 'MethodType': 'FunctionInspector', 'ModuleType': 'ModuleInspector', 'NoneType': 'Inspector', 'SliceType': 'SliceInspector', 'StringType': 'SequenceInspector', 'TupleType': 'SequenceInspector', 'TypeType': 'Inspector', 'UnboundMethodType': 'FunctionInspector'} for each in notFinishedTypes: _InspectorMap[each] = 'Inspector'
### Classes
[docs]class Inspector:
[docs] def __init__(self, anObject): self.object = anObject self.lastPartNumber = 0 self.initializePartsList() self.initializePartNames()
def __str__(self): return __name__ + '(' + str(self.object) + ')'
[docs] def initializePartsList(self): self._partsList = [] keys = self.namedParts() keys.sort() for each in keys: self._partsList.append(each)
#if not callable(getattr(self.object, each)): # self._partsList.append(each)
[docs] def initializePartNames(self): self._partNames = ['up'] + [str(each) for each in self._partsList]
[docs] def title(self): "Subclasses may override." return self.objectType().__name__.capitalize()
[docs] def getLastPartNumber(self): return self.lastPartNumber
[docs] def selectedPart(self): return self.partNumber(self.getLastPartNumber())
[docs] def namedParts(self): return dir(self.object)
[docs] def stringForPartNumber(self, partNumber): object = self.partNumber(partNumber) doc = None if callable(object): try: doc = object.__doc__ except: pass if doc: return str(object) + '\n' + str(doc) else: return str(object)
[docs] def partNumber(self, partNumber): self.lastPartNumber = partNumber if partNumber == 0: return self.object else: part = self.privatePartNumber(partNumber) return getattr(self.object, part)
[docs] def inspectorFor(self, part): return inspectorFor(part)
[docs] def privatePartNumber(self, partNumber): return self._partsList[partNumber - 1]
[docs] def partNames(self): return self._partNames
[docs] def objectType(self): return type(self.object)
[docs]class ModuleInspector(Inspector):
[docs] def namedParts(self): return ['__dict__']
[docs]class ClassInspector(Inspector):
[docs] def namedParts(self): return ['__bases__'] + list(self.object.__dict__.keys())
[docs] def title(self): return self.object.__name__ + ' Class'
[docs]class InstanceInspector(Inspector):
[docs] def title(self): return self.object.__class__.__name__
[docs] def namedParts(self): return ['__class__'] + dir(self.object)
[docs]class FunctionInspector(Inspector):
[docs] def title(self): return self.object.__name__ + "()"
[docs]class InstanceMethodInspector(Inspector):
[docs] def title(self): return str(self.object.__self__.__class__) + "." + self.object.__name__ + "()"
[docs]class CodeInspector(Inspector):
[docs] def title(self): return str(self.object)
[docs]class ComplexInspector(Inspector):
[docs] def namedParts(self): return ['real', 'imag']
[docs]class DictionaryInspector(Inspector):
[docs] def initializePartsList(self): Inspector.initializePartsList(self) keys = list(self.object.keys()) keys.sort() for each in keys: self._partsList.append(each)
[docs] def partNumber(self, partNumber): self.lastPartNumber = partNumber if partNumber == 0: return self.object key = self.privatePartNumber(partNumber) if key in self.object: return self.object[key] else: return getattr(self.object, key)
[docs]class SequenceInspector(Inspector):
[docs] def initializePartsList(self): Inspector.initializePartsList(self) for each in range(len(self.object)): self._partsList.append(each)
[docs] def partNumber(self, partNumber): self.lastPartNumber = partNumber if partNumber == 0: return self.object index = self.privatePartNumber(partNumber) if type(index) == IntType: return self.object[index] else: return getattr(self.object, index)
[docs]class SliceInspector(Inspector):
[docs] def namedParts(self): return ['start', 'stop', 'step']
### Initialization initializeInspectorMap()
[docs]class InspectorWindow:
[docs] def __init__(self, inspector): self.inspectors = [inspector]
[docs] def topInspector(self): return self.inspectors[len(self.inspectors) - 1]
[docs] def selectedPart(self): return self.topInspector().selectedPart()
[docs] def inspectedObject(self): return self.topInspector().object
[docs] def open(self): Toplevel()'650x315') self.createViews() self.update()
#Private - view construction
[docs] def createViews(self): self.createMenus() # Paned widget for dividing two halves self.framePane = Pmw.PanedWidget(, orient = HORIZONTAL) self.createListWidget() self.createTextWidgets() self.framePane.pack(expand = 1, fill = BOTH)
[docs] def setTitle(self):'Inspecting: ' + self.topInspector().title())
[docs] def createListWidget(self): listFrame = self.framePane.add('list') listWidget = self.listWidget = Pmw.ScrolledListBox( listFrame, vscrollmode = 'static') listWidget.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) # If you click in the list box, take focus so you can navigate # with the cursor keys listbox = listWidget.component('listbox') listbox.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', lambda e, l = listbox: l.focus_set()) listbox.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.listSelectionChanged) listbox.bind('<Double-Button-1>', self.popOrDive) listbox.bind('<ButtonPress-3>', self.popupMenu) listbox.bind('<KeyRelease-Up>', self.listSelectionChanged) listbox.bind('<KeyRelease-Down>', self.listSelectionChanged) listbox.bind('<KeyRelease-Left>', lambda e, s = self: s.pop()) listbox.bind('<KeyRelease-Right>', lambda e, s = self: s.dive()) listbox.bind('<Return>', self.popOrDive)
[docs] def createTextWidgets(self): textWidgetsFrame = self.framePane.add('textWidgets') self.textPane = Pmw.PanedWidget(textWidgetsFrame, orient = VERTICAL) textFrame = self.textPane.add('text', size = 200) self.textWidget = Pmw.ScrolledText( textFrame, vscrollmode = 'static', text_state = 'disabled') self.textWidget.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) commandFrame = self.textPane.add('command') self.commandWidget = Pmw.ScrolledText( commandFrame, vscrollmode = 'static') self.commandWidget.insert(1.0, '>>> ') self.commandWidget.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = 1) self.commandWidget.component('text').bind( '<KeyRelease-Return>', self.evalCommand) self.textPane.pack(expand = 1, fill = BOTH)
[docs] def createMenus(self): self.menuBar = Menu( inspectMenu = Menu(self.menuBar) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label='Inspect', menu=inspectMenu) inspectMenu.add_command(label='Pop', command=self.pop) inspectMenu.add_command(label='Dive', command=self.dive) inspectMenu.add_command(label='Inspect', command=self.inspect) helpMenu = Menu(self.menuBar) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label='Help', menu=helpMenu) helpMenu.add_command(label='Instructions', command=self.showHelp)
[docs] def fillList(self): self.listWidget.delete(0, END) for each in self.topInspector().partNames(): self.listWidget.insert(END, each) self.listWidget.select_clear(0)
# Event Handling
[docs] def listSelectionChanged(self, event): partNumber = self.selectedIndex() if partNumber is None: partNumber = 0 string = self.topInspector().stringForPartNumber(partNumber) self.textWidget.component('text').configure(state = 'normal') self.textWidget.delete('1.0', END) self.textWidget.insert(END, string) self.textWidget.component('text').configure(state = 'disabled')
[docs] def popOrDive(self, event): """The list has been double-clicked. If the selection is 'self' then pop, otherwise dive into the selected part""" if self.selectedIndex() == 0: self.pop() else: self.dive()
[docs] def evalCommand(self, event): """Eval text in commandWidget""" insertPt = self.commandWidget.index(INSERT) commandLineStart = '>>> ', INSERT, backwards = 1) if commandLineStart: commandStart = self.commandWidget.index( commandLineStart + ' + 4 chars') command = self.commandWidget.get(commandStart, commandStart + ' lineend') if command: partDict = { 'this': self.selectedPart(), 'object': self.topInspector().object } result = eval(command, partDict) self.commandWidget.insert(INSERT, repr(result) + '\n>>> ') self.commandWidget.see(INSERT)
# Menu Events
[docs] def inspect(self): inspector = self.inspectorForSelectedPart() if inspector is None: return InspectorWindow(inspector).open()
[docs] def pop(self): if len(self.inspectors) > 1: self.inspectors = self.inspectors[:-1] self.update()
[docs] def dive(self): inspector = self.inspectorForSelectedPart() if inspector is None: return self.inspectors.append(inspector) self.update()
[docs] def update(self): self.setTitle() self.fillList() # What is active part in this inspector partNumber = self.topInspector().getLastPartNumber() self.listWidget.select_clear(0) self.listWidget.activate(partNumber) self.listWidget.select_set(partNumber) self.listSelectionChanged(None) # Make sure selected item is visible self.listWidget.see(partNumber) # Make sure left side of listbox visible self.listWidget.xview_moveto(0.0) # Grab focus in listbox self.listWidget.component('listbox').focus_set()
[docs] def showHelp(self): help = Toplevel(base.tkRoot) help.title("Inspector Help") frame = Frame(help) frame.pack() text = Label( frame, justify = LEFT, text = "ListBox shows selected object's attributes\nDouble click or use right arrow on an instance variable to dive down.\nDouble click self or use left arrow to pop back up.\nUse up and down arrow keys to move from item to item in the current level.\n\nValue box (upper right) shows current value of selected item\n\nCommand box (lower right) is used to evaluate python commands\nLocal variables 'object' and 'this' are defined as the current object being inspected\nand the current attribute selected." ) text.pack()
[docs] def selectedIndex(self): indices = list(map(int, self.listWidget.curselection())) if len(indices) == 0: return None partNumber = indices[0] return partNumber
[docs] def inspectorForSelectedPart(self): partNumber = self.selectedIndex() if partNumber is None: return None part = self.topInspector().partNumber(partNumber) return self.topInspector().inspectorFor(part)
[docs] def popupMenu(self, event): print(event) partNumber = self.selectedIndex() print(partNumber) if partNumber is None: return part = self.topInspector().partNumber(partNumber) print(part) from panda3d.core import NodePath from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM popupMenu = None if isinstance(part, NodePath): popupMenu = self.createPopupMenu( part, [('Explore', NodePath.explore), ('Place',, ('Set Color', NodePath.rgbPanel)]) elif isinstance(part, ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM): from . import FSMInspector popupMenu = self.createPopupMenu( part, [('Inspect ClassicFSM', FSMInspector.FSMInspector)]) print(popupMenu) if popupMenu:, event.widget.winfo_pointery())
[docs] def createPopupMenu(self, part, menuList): popupMenu = Menu(, tearoff = 0) for item, func in menuList: popupMenu.add_command( label = item, command = lambda p = part, f = func: f(p)) return popupMenu