Source code for direct.showbase.MessengerLeakDetector

from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import itype, fastRepr
from direct.showbase.Job import Job
from direct.showbase.JobManagerGlobal import jobMgr
from direct.showbase.MessengerGlobal import messenger
import gc
import builtins

[docs]class MessengerLeakObject(DirectObject):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.accept('leakEvent', self._handleEvent)
def _handleEvent(self): pass
def _leakMessengerObject(): leakObject = MessengerLeakObject()
[docs]class MessengerLeakDetector(Job): # check for objects that are only referenced by the messenger # and would otherwise be garbage collected notify = directNotify.newCategory("MessengerLeakDetector")
[docs] def __init__(self, name): Job.__init__(self, name) self.setPriority(Job.Priorities.Normal*2) jobMgr.add(self)
[docs] def run(self): # set of ids of objects that we know are always attached to builtin; # if an object is attached to one of these, it's attached to builtin # this cuts down on the amount of searching that needs to be done builtinIds = set() builtinIds.add(id(builtins.__dict__)) try: builtinIds.add(id(base)) builtinIds.add(id( builtinIds.add(id( except: pass try: builtinIds.add(id(simbase)) builtinIds.add(id(simbase.air)) builtinIds.add(id(simbase.air.doId2do)) except: pass try: builtinIds.add(id(uber)) builtinIds.add(id(uber.air)) builtinIds.add(id(uber.air.doId2do)) except: pass while True: yield None objects = list(messenger._Messenger__objectEvents.keys()) assert self.notify.debug('%s objects in the messenger' % len(objects)) for object in objects: yield None assert self.notify.debug('---> new object: %s' % itype(object)) # try to find a path to builtin that doesn't involve the messenger # lists of objects for breadth-first search # iterate through one list while populating other list objList1 = [] objList2 = [] curObjList = objList1 nextObjList = objList2 visitedObjIds = set() # add the id of the object, and the messenger containers so that # the search for builtin will stop at the messenger; we're looking # for any path to builtin that don't involve the messenger visitedObjIds.add(id(object)) visitedObjIds.add(id(messenger._Messenger__objectEvents)) visitedObjIds.add(id(messenger._Messenger__callbacks)) nextObjList.append(object) foundBuiltin = False # breadth-first search, go until you run out of new objects or you find __builtin__ while len(nextObjList) > 0: if foundBuiltin: break # swap the lists, prepare for the next pass curObjList = nextObjList nextObjList = [] assert self.notify.debug('next search iteration, num objects: %s' % len(curObjList)) for curObj in curObjList: if foundBuiltin: break yield None referrers = gc.get_referrers(curObj) assert self.notify.debug('curObj: %s @ %s, %s referrers, repr=%s' % ( itype(curObj), hex(id(curObj)), len(referrers), fastRepr(curObj, maxLen=2))) for referrer in referrers: #assert self.notify.debug('referrer: %s' % itype(curObj)) yield None refId = id(referrer) # don't go in a loop if refId in visitedObjIds: #assert self.notify.debug('already visited') continue # don't self-reference if referrer is curObjList or referrer is nextObjList: continue if refId in builtinIds: # not a leak, there is a path to builtin that does not involve the messenger #assert self.notify.debug('object has another path to __builtin__, it\'s not a messenger leak') foundBuiltin = True break else: visitedObjIds.add(refId) nextObjList.append(referrer) if not foundBuiltin: self.notify.warning( '%s is referenced only by the messenger' % (itype(object)))