Source code for direct.interval.IntervalManager

"""Defines the IntervalManager class as well as the global instance of
this class, ivalMgr."""

__all__ = ['IntervalManager', 'ivalMgr']

from panda3d.core import *
from import *
from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import *
from direct.showbase import EventManager
import fnmatch

[docs]class IntervalManager(CIntervalManager): # This is a Python-C++ hybrid class. IntervalManager is a Python # extension of the C++ class CIntervalManager; the main purpose of # the Python extensions is to add support for Python-based # intervals (like MetaIntervals).
[docs] def __init__(self, globalPtr = 0): # Pass globalPtr == 1 to the constructor to trick it into # "constructing" a Python wrapper around the global # CIntervalManager object. if globalPtr: self.cObj = CIntervalManager.getGlobalPtr() Dtool_BorrowThisReference(self, self.cObj) self.dd = self else: CIntervalManager.__init__(self) self.eventQueue = EventQueue() self.MyEventmanager = EventManager.EventManager(self.eventQueue) self.setEventQueue(self.eventQueue) self.ivals = [] self.removedIvals = {}
[docs] def addInterval(self, interval): index = self.addCInterval(interval, 1) self.__storeInterval(interval, index)
[docs] def removeInterval(self, interval): index = self.findCInterval(interval.getName()) if index >= 0: self.removeCInterval(index) if index < len(self.ivals): self.ivals[index] = None return 1 return 0
[docs] def getInterval(self, name): index = self.findCInterval(name) if index >= 0: if index < len(self.ivals) and self.ivals[index]: return self.ivals[index] # It must be a C-only interval. return self.getCInterval(index) return None
[docs] def getIntervalsMatching(self, pattern): ivals = [] count = 0 maxIndex = self.getMaxIndex() for index in range(maxIndex): ival = self.getCInterval(index) if ival and \ fnmatch.fnmatchcase(ival.getName(), pattern): # Finish and remove this interval. Finishing it # automatically removes it. count += 1 if index < len(self.ivals) and self.ivals[index]: # Get the python version if we have it ivals.append(self.ivals[index]) else: # Otherwise, it's a C-only interval. ivals.append(ival) return ivals
[docs] def finishIntervalsMatching(self, pattern): ivals = self.getIntervalsMatching(pattern) for ival in ivals: ival.finish() return len(ivals)
[docs] def pauseIntervalsMatching(self, pattern): ivals = self.getIntervalsMatching(pattern) for ival in ivals: ival.pause() return len(ivals)
[docs] def step(self): # This method should be called once per frame to perform all # of the per-frame processing on the active intervals. # Call C++ step, then do the Python stuff. CIntervalManager.step(self) self.__doPythonCallbacks()
[docs] def interrupt(self): # This method should be called during an emergency cleanup # operation, to automatically pause or finish all active # intervals tagged with autoPause or autoFinish set true. # Call C++ interrupt, then do the Python stuff. CIntervalManager.interrupt(self) self.__doPythonCallbacks()
def __doPythonCallbacks(self): # This method does all of the required Python post-processing # after performing some C++-level action. # It is important to call all of the python callbacks on the # just-removed intervals before we call any of the callbacks # on the still-running intervals. index = self.getNextRemoval() while index >= 0: # We have to clear the interval first before we call # privPostEvent() on it, because the interval might itself # try to add a new interval. ival = self.ivals[index] self.ivals[index] = None ival.privPostEvent() index = self.getNextRemoval() index = self.getNextEvent() while index >= 0: self.ivals[index].privPostEvent() index = self.getNextEvent() # Finally, throw all the events on the custom event queue. # These are the done events that may have been generated in # C++. We use a custom event queue so we can service all of # these immediately, rather than waiting for the global event # queue to be serviced (which might not be till next frame). self.MyEventmanager.doEvents() def __storeInterval(self, interval, index): while index >= len(self.ivals): self.ivals.append(None) assert self.ivals[index] is None or self.ivals[index] == interval self.ivals[index] = interval
#: The global IntervalManager object. ivalMgr = IntervalManager(1)