Signing your p3d files


This article describes a deprecated feature as of Panda3D 1.10.0.

Once you have a certificate, you can use it to sign any of your p3d files. Be sure the certificate is in pem format; use the openssl command to convert it to pem format first if you need to.

The easiest way to sign a p3d file is to specify the -S parameter to packp3d at the time you generate it:

packp3d -S mycert.pem -o myapp.p3d -d c:/myapp

The above is the appropriate command to use if your public key and private key are combined in the same file. If they are separate, you can specify both files with “-S mypublic.pem,,myprivate.pem”. (Note the double comma; it is necessary.) If you also have a certificate chain file, then you should specify all three files: “-S mypublic.pem,mychain.pem,myprivate.pem”.

It is also possible to sign a p3d file after it has been generated, with the multify command:

multify -S mycert.pem -uvf myapp.p3d
multify -S mycert.pem,mychain.pem,myprivate.pem -uvf myapp.p3d

You can add multiple signatures to a p3d file. If the user has already approved any of the certificates used to sign a p3d file, then that p3d file will be considered automatically approved. If the user has approved none of the certificates, then the first one (and only the first one) used to sign the file will be presented to the user for approval.