
Just like OnscreenText, you can use OnscreenImage as a quick way to put an image onscreen. Use an OnscreenImage whenever you want a quick way to display an ordinary image without a lot of fancy requirements.

from direct.gui.OnscreenImage import OnscreenImage
imageObject = OnscreenImage(image='myImage.jpg', pos=(-0.5, 0, 0.02))

If you want, you can change the image into another one using setImage():


When you want to take the image away, use:


The following keyword parameters may be specified to the constructor:


the actual geometry to display or a file name. This may be omitted and specified later via setImage() if you don’t have it available.

Note: Omitting this parameter results in the OnscreenImage being created as an empty NodePath, meaning that many NodePath methods (including setPos()) are not valid and should raise assertion errors until an image is specified via setImage().


the x, y, z position of the geometry on the screen. This maybe a 3-tuple of floats or a vector. y should be zero


the size of the geometry. This may either be a single float, a 3-tuple of floats, or a vector, specifying a different x, y, z scale. y should be 1


the h, p, r of the geometry on the screen. This maybe a 3-tuple of floats or a vector.


the (r, g, b, a) color of the geometry. This is normally a 4-tuple of floats or ints.


the NodePath to parent the text to initially; the default is aspect2d.


To enable transparency in images, you must first set the TransparencyAttrib, otherwise the transparent parts of the image will be shown black:

from panda3d.core import TransparencyAttrib
self.myImage = OnscreenImage(image='myImage.png', pos=(0, 0, 0))

Since GIF’s are not supported you should use PNG or TGA if you need transparency.