

This article describes a deprecated feature as of Panda3D 1.10.0.

There is a JavaScript function distributed with Panda, in the direct/src/directscripts directory, that can be used to determine whether the Panda3D plugin is installed at all. You can use this script to redirect users to the appropriate page to install the plugin if necessary.

To use it, copy it to your web server and reference it in the section of your HTML document like this:

<script src="DetectPanda3D.js" language="javascript"></script>

Then elsewhere, presumably in the section of your document, you can reference it like this:

<script language="javascript">
if (detectPanda3D()) {
   ... plugin installed
} else {
   ... plugin not installed

The function takes two optional parameters. The first parameter, if specified, is the URL of another page to redirect to, and the second parameter should be True to redirect to the indicated URL if the plugin is found, or False to redirect if the plugin is not found.

For instance, to trigger an automatic redirect to another page if the plugin is not installed, pass that page’s URL as the first parameter, and False as the second parameter, like this:

<script language="javascript">
detectPanda3D('', False);

Note that this JavaScript function only detects whether the plugin is installed; it cannot report the plugin version number, and even if the plugin is installed there is no guarantee that the plugin actually runs on this browser. In order to test either of these, you have to use the plugin to embed a p3d file and query the resulting embedded object.

Note also that RunPanda3D.js can also be used to do some simple plugin detection, using the noplugin_img and noplugin_href tags.